新疆农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (5): 1067-1076.DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.004
张钊1,2(), 张贵龙2, 汤秋香1(
), 闫雪影2, 张艳军2(
ZHANG Zhao1,2(), ZHANG Guilong2, TANG Qiuxiang1(
), YAN Xueying2, ZHANG Yanjun2(
Correspondence author:
TANG Qiuxiang(1980-),female,from Kaifeng,Henan,professor,research direction: farmland ecological environment,(E-mail)tangqiuxiang2004_2@163.com; Supported by:
【目的】研究不同施肥方式对黄淮海潮土区麦田肥力和冬小麦氮素利用效率和产量的影响,为该区域优化施肥措施、合理利用有机肥资源和保障作物高产提供理论支持和技术指导。【方法】基于天津潮土区连续12年的施肥处理定位试验,设置施肥处理为对照(CK,不施肥)、单施有机肥(M)、化肥减量50%配施有机肥(MF1)、常量化肥配施有机肥(MF2)、单施化肥处理(F)。【结果】与对照相比,施肥处理均能显著提高麦田土壤有机质和碱解氮、速效磷钾含量,且有机无机肥配施处理提升土壤肥力效果最好。与对照相比,M、MF1、MF2和F处理土壤有机质增幅分别为92%、48%、78%和20%。MF1处理孕穗-成熟期叶片氮素含量显著降低,促进氮素向籽粒的转移,提高氮素利用效率,显著提高穗粒数和千粒重,进而起到增产作用。MF1、MF2处理冬小麦产量分别达到6 467和6 345 kg/hm2,较F处理提高12%和9%。【结论】施用化肥115 kg/hm2、有机肥15 000 kg/hm2的配施模式能够较常规模式降低化肥投入15%,并保持冬小麦产量稳定,可作为黄淮海平原潮土区冬小麦农田的推荐施肥技术。
张钊, 张贵龙, 汤秋香, 闫雪影, 张艳军. 有机无机肥配施对潮土麦田肥力和冬小麦产量的影响[J]. 新疆农业科学, 2024, 61(5): 1067-1076.
ZHANG Zhao, ZHANG Guilong, TANG Qiuxiang, YAN Xueying, ZHANG Yanjun. Effects of combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers on fertility and yield of winter wheat in fluvo-aquic soil[J]. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, 2024, 61(5): 1067-1076.
时期 Stages | 处理 Treat- ments | pH值 pH value | 碱解氮 Alkalize nitrogen (mg/kg) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg/kg) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg/kg) | 有机质 Organic matter (g/kg) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (g/kg) | C/N |
拔节期 Jointing stage | CK | 8.46±0.09a | 32.20±6.26d | 15.16±7.33c | 530.25±63.03d | 15.30±3.04b | 1.60±0.02d | 5.55±1.09a |
M | 8.21±0.03b | 60.20±6.26a | 391.56±72.75a | 709.07±87.21b | 29.30±5.15a | 3.03±0.09b | 5.61±0.88a | |
MF1 | 7.99±0.02c | 56.00±7.00bc | 354.96±29.44a | 758.75±69.74b | 25.77±0.37a | 3.16±0.14b | 4.74±0.22ab | |
MF2 | 7.80±0.05d | 85.40±5.86ab | 401.00±21.36a | 892.81±11.72a | 26.60±0.84a | 3.79±0.10a | 4.07±0.23bc | |
F | 8.02±0.05c | 49.20±24.55cd | 129.76±8.30b | 619.56±25.74c | 16.93±0.50b | 2.66±0.12c | 3.69±0.21c | |
开花期 Blooming stage | CK | 8.24±0.09a | 46.20±9.39c | 88.12±6.44d | 406.75±36.94c | 18.38±0.72c | 2.48±0.04c | 4.29±0.18ab |
M | 8.08±0.04b | 71.40±7.67b | 366.28±9.43b | 771.75±17.09a | 29.33±2.23a | 4.15±0.28b | 4.12±0.52ab | |
MF1 | 7.83±0.02c | 75.60±15.18b | 375.92±18.05ab | 789.75±5.74a | 30.01±2.88a | 4.30±0.07b | 4.04±0.42b | |
MF2 | 7.72±0.11d | 141.40±13.46a | 385.64±14.86a | 797.06±18.46a | 31.04±3.50a | 4.54±0.05a | 3.96±0.46b | |
F | 8.00±0.14c | 53.20±7.98c | 172.24±7.60c | 671.44±26.64b | 22.36±2.52b | 2.73±0.11c | 4.77±0.67a | |
成熟期 Maturity stage | CK | 8.42±0.07a | 44.80±3.83c | 93.72±13.35c | 609.78±37.16c | 18.69±2.34c | 1.59±0.07f | 6.84±0.94a |
M | 7.97±0.08b | 81.20±6.26b | 395.64±16.75a | 785.44±18.81a | 28.27±1.73a | 2.27±0.08c | 7.24±0.67a | |
MF1 | 7.88±0.08b | 126.00±13.10a | 412.16±16.45a | 801.13±11.33a | 30.66±2.66a | 2.55±0.06b | 6.98±0.69a | |
MF2 | 7.83±0.04b | 81.200±25.53b | 398.04±23.53a | 796.03±11.1a | 31.01±2.37a | 2.68±0.07a | 6.69±0.53a | |
F | 8.02±0.07b | 77.00±31.30b | 172.28±8.78b | 719.75±23.4b | 21.67±1.61b | 1.87±0.08d | 6.73±0.7a |
表1 不同施肥处理下土壤主要养分含量的变化
Tab.1 Changes of different fertilization treatments on soil nutrient contents
时期 Stages | 处理 Treat- ments | pH值 pH value | 碱解氮 Alkalize nitrogen (mg/kg) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg/kg) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg/kg) | 有机质 Organic matter (g/kg) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (g/kg) | C/N |
拔节期 Jointing stage | CK | 8.46±0.09a | 32.20±6.26d | 15.16±7.33c | 530.25±63.03d | 15.30±3.04b | 1.60±0.02d | 5.55±1.09a |
M | 8.21±0.03b | 60.20±6.26a | 391.56±72.75a | 709.07±87.21b | 29.30±5.15a | 3.03±0.09b | 5.61±0.88a | |
MF1 | 7.99±0.02c | 56.00±7.00bc | 354.96±29.44a | 758.75±69.74b | 25.77±0.37a | 3.16±0.14b | 4.74±0.22ab | |
MF2 | 7.80±0.05d | 85.40±5.86ab | 401.00±21.36a | 892.81±11.72a | 26.60±0.84a | 3.79±0.10a | 4.07±0.23bc | |
F | 8.02±0.05c | 49.20±24.55cd | 129.76±8.30b | 619.56±25.74c | 16.93±0.50b | 2.66±0.12c | 3.69±0.21c | |
开花期 Blooming stage | CK | 8.24±0.09a | 46.20±9.39c | 88.12±6.44d | 406.75±36.94c | 18.38±0.72c | 2.48±0.04c | 4.29±0.18ab |
M | 8.08±0.04b | 71.40±7.67b | 366.28±9.43b | 771.75±17.09a | 29.33±2.23a | 4.15±0.28b | 4.12±0.52ab | |
MF1 | 7.83±0.02c | 75.60±15.18b | 375.92±18.05ab | 789.75±5.74a | 30.01±2.88a | 4.30±0.07b | 4.04±0.42b | |
MF2 | 7.72±0.11d | 141.40±13.46a | 385.64±14.86a | 797.06±18.46a | 31.04±3.50a | 4.54±0.05a | 3.96±0.46b | |
F | 8.00±0.14c | 53.20±7.98c | 172.24±7.60c | 671.44±26.64b | 22.36±2.52b | 2.73±0.11c | 4.77±0.67a | |
成熟期 Maturity stage | CK | 8.42±0.07a | 44.80±3.83c | 93.72±13.35c | 609.78±37.16c | 18.69±2.34c | 1.59±0.07f | 6.84±0.94a |
M | 7.97±0.08b | 81.20±6.26b | 395.64±16.75a | 785.44±18.81a | 28.27±1.73a | 2.27±0.08c | 7.24±0.67a | |
MF1 | 7.88±0.08b | 126.00±13.10a | 412.16±16.45a | 801.13±11.33a | 30.66±2.66a | 2.55±0.06b | 6.98±0.69a | |
MF2 | 7.83±0.04b | 81.200±25.53b | 398.04±23.53a | 796.03±11.1a | 31.01±2.37a | 2.68±0.07a | 6.69±0.53a | |
F | 8.02±0.07b | 77.00±31.30b | 172.28±8.78b | 719.75±23.4b | 21.67±1.61b | 1.87±0.08d | 6.73±0.7a |
图1 不同生育期冬小麦干物质积累总量 注:A:拔节期;B:孕穗期;C:开花期;D:成熟期。同一生育期不同小写字母表示在0.05水平存在显著差异,下同
Fig.1 Total dry matter accumulation of winter wheat at different growth stages Note: A:Jointing Stage.B:Booting Stage.C:Anthesis Stage.D:Maturity Stag.Different lowercase letters during the same fertility period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level,the same as below
图2 不同时期冬小麦干物质分配的变化 注:E:叶;F:茎鞘;G:穗;H:壳;J:籽粒
Fig.2 Changes of dry matter weight of winter wheat organs in different periods Note: E:Leaf.F: Stem Sheath.G: Ear.H: Shell.J: Grain
处理 Treatments | 植株总氮含量 TNAA (kg/hm2) | 氮收获指数 NHI (%) | 氮素吸收效率 NUP (%) | 氮肥农学利用率 NAE (kg/kg) | 氮肥利用率 NUE (%) | 氮肥偏生产力 NPFP (kg/kg) |
CK | 39.41±3.35c | 58±0.08b | - | - | - | - |
M | 216.05±42.74b | 77±0.01a | 123±0.24a | 23.4±0.74a | 101±0.24a | 34.79±0.77a |
MF1 | 311.95±45.4a | 75±0.04a | 73±0.11b | 10.52±0.26b | 64±0.11b | 15.20±0.27b |
MF2 | 293.99±59.05a | 71±0.03a | 44±0.09c | 6.56±0.33d | 38±0.09c | 9.57±0.34d |
F | 290.2±71.92a | 76±0.04a | 60±0.15bc | 7.80±0.67c | 51±0.14bc | 11.89±0.69c |
表2 不同施肥处理下氮素利用效率的变化
Tab.2 Changes of different fertilization treatments on nitrogen use efficiency
处理 Treatments | 植株总氮含量 TNAA (kg/hm2) | 氮收获指数 NHI (%) | 氮素吸收效率 NUP (%) | 氮肥农学利用率 NAE (kg/kg) | 氮肥利用率 NUE (%) | 氮肥偏生产力 NPFP (kg/kg) |
CK | 39.41±3.35c | 58±0.08b | - | - | - | - |
M | 216.05±42.74b | 77±0.01a | 123±0.24a | 23.4±0.74a | 101±0.24a | 34.79±0.77a |
MF1 | 311.95±45.4a | 75±0.04a | 73±0.11b | 10.52±0.26b | 64±0.11b | 15.20±0.27b |
MF2 | 293.99±59.05a | 71±0.03a | 44±0.09c | 6.56±0.33d | 38±0.09c | 9.57±0.34d |
F | 290.2±71.92a | 76±0.04a | 60±0.15bc | 7.80±0.67c | 51±0.14bc | 11.89±0.69c |
处理 Treatments | 穗数 Spikes (104hm2) | 穗粒数 Grainsper spike | 千粒重 1000-grain Mass(g) | 产量 Grain yield (kg/hm2) |
CK | 550.8±21.38a | 12.53±2.85c | 41.17±1.53c | 1 994.06±21.82d |
M | 477.6±8.76b | 32.68±3.03b | 54.49±2.54a | 6 093.37±135.09b |
MF1 | 400.4±8.88c | 44.59±2.82a | 50.55±2.88b | 6 467.69±115.08a |
MF2 | 363.6±16.76d | 44.63±2.98a | 50.04±2.39b | 6 345.06±224.13ab |
F | 400±16.55c | 44.99±1.13a | 49.24±1.48b | 5 798.26±337.49c |
表3 不同施肥处理下冬小麦产量的变化
Tab.3 Changes of different fertilization treatments on winter wheat yield
处理 Treatments | 穗数 Spikes (104hm2) | 穗粒数 Grainsper spike | 千粒重 1000-grain Mass(g) | 产量 Grain yield (kg/hm2) |
CK | 550.8±21.38a | 12.53±2.85c | 41.17±1.53c | 1 994.06±21.82d |
M | 477.6±8.76b | 32.68±3.03b | 54.49±2.54a | 6 093.37±135.09b |
MF1 | 400.4±8.88c | 44.59±2.82a | 50.55±2.88b | 6 467.69±115.08a |
MF2 | 363.6±16.76d | 44.63±2.98a | 50.04±2.39b | 6 345.06±224.13ab |
F | 400±16.55c | 44.99±1.13a | 49.24±1.48b | 5 798.26±337.49c |
时期 Stages | 土壤养分指标 Soil Nutrient Indicators | 贡献度 Contribution(%) |
pH值 | 5 | |
碱解氮 | 38 | |
拔节期 | 速效磷 | 33 |
Jointing Stage | 速效钾 | 13 |
有机质 | 1 | |
全氮 | 10 | |
pH值 | 20 | |
碱解氮 | 7 | |
开花期 | 速效磷 | 11 |
Blooming Stage | 速效钾 | 26 |
有机质 | 9 | |
全氮 | 27 | |
pH值 | 19 | |
碱解氮 | 10 | |
成熟期 | 速效磷 | 29 |
Maturity Stage | 速效钾 | 4 |
有机质 | 1 | |
全氮 | 38 |
表4 0~20 cm土壤化学性质影响下冬小麦产量贡献度的变化
Tab.4 Changes of contribution in soil chemical properties in 0-20 cm soil layer to wheat yield
时期 Stages | 土壤养分指标 Soil Nutrient Indicators | 贡献度 Contribution(%) |
pH值 | 5 | |
碱解氮 | 38 | |
拔节期 | 速效磷 | 33 |
Jointing Stage | 速效钾 | 13 |
有机质 | 1 | |
全氮 | 10 | |
pH值 | 20 | |
碱解氮 | 7 | |
开花期 | 速效磷 | 11 |
Blooming Stage | 速效钾 | 26 |
有机质 | 9 | |
全氮 | 27 | |
pH值 | 19 | |
碱解氮 | 10 | |
成熟期 | 速效磷 | 29 |
Maturity Stage | 速效钾 | 4 |
有机质 | 1 | |
全氮 | 38 |
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