新疆农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (6): 1345-1351.DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.006

• 作物遗传育种•种质资源•分子遗传学•耕作栽培•生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


强立栋(), 冯宽, 朱长安, 赵云, 李召锋, 李卫华()   

  1. 石河子大学农学院/新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室,新疆石河子 832003
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-05 出版日期:2024-06-20 发布日期:2024-08-08
  • 通信作者: 李卫华(1968-),女,新疆人,教授,博士,硕士生/博士生导师,研究方向为小麦遗传育种与品质改良,(E-mail)lwh_agr@shzu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:强立栋(1994-),男,甘肃人,硕士研究生,研究方向为小麦遗传育种与品质改良,(E-mail)2787567932@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effect of high temperature stress at anthesis on seed vigor of wheat

QIANG Lidong(), FENG Kuan, ZHU Changan, ZHAO Yun, LI Zhaofeng, LI Weihua()   

  1. Agricultural College of Shihezi University/Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecological Agriculture of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Shihezi Xinjiang 832003, China
  • Received:2023-11-05 Published:2024-06-20 Online:2024-08-08
  • Correspondence author: LI Weihua (1968-), female, from Xinjiang,professor, research directions: wheat genetic breeding and quality improvement,(E-mail)lwh_agr@shzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    International Science and Technology Cooperation Program Project of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps(2019BC003);Special Project of Animal and Plant Breeding of Shihezi University(YZZX202003)


【目的】研究小麦花后高温处理对其籽粒发芽和生长的影响,分析小麦响应花后高温逆境的生理机制。【方法】以新疆主栽小麦品种新春11号为材料,取小麦成熟后的籽粒,待小麦开花后的5~8 d时进行高温处理,研究其萌发特性以及相关酶活性。【结果】小麦籽粒在经过高温处理后,籽粒发芽率和发芽势与对照相比较显著降低(分别降低5.10%和3.22%),电导率指标极显著高于对照(高出22.78%)。经过花后高温处理,小麦籽粒萌发并且长成嫩芽的芽长以及芽鲜重,与对照相比较显著降低17.98% 和12.84%;在小麦籽粒萌发中,发芽指数和活力指数均显著下降。种子活力(TTC还原强度)的变化虽然差异不显著,但降低程度达26.02%。【结论】小麦开花后遭受高温胁迫,导致籽粒中酶活性下降,最终造成种子活力降低,并且减缓了小麦幼苗时期的长势,小麦的产量亦受到影响。

关键词: 小麦; 花后高温; 籽粒萌发; 淀粉酶; 过氧化物酶


【Objective】 To clarify the effect of post-anthesis high temperature treatment on grain germination and growth, and explore the psychological mechanism of wheat response to the stress of post-anthesis high temperature. 【Methods】 Xinchun 11, the main wheat cultivar in Xinjiang, was chosen as the model of crop. The mature wheat seeds were treated with the high temperature for 5 days to 8 days after flowering, and then the germination characteristics and the related enzymes activities associated with the oxidative stress of the seeds were examined. 【Results】 After high temperature treatment, the germination rate and germination potential of wheat grains were significantly reduced compared with the photo comparison (5.10% and 3.22%, respectively), and the conductivity index was significantly higher than that of the control (22.78% higher). After high temperature treatment, the bud length and fresh weight of wheat grain germination and growth decreased by 17.98% and 12.84% compared with the CK, the germination index and vigor index decreased significantly in wheat grain germination. The change in seed viability (ttc reduction intensity) was not significant, but the decrease was 26.02%. Meanwhile, the germination index and vigor index both decreased significantly in wheat grain germination. The change in seed viability (TTC reduction intensity) was not significant, but the decrease was 26.02%. 【Conclusion】 The results showed the high temperature stress at anthesis might have significant effects on wheat seed enzyme activity, and could further cause the decrease of the seed vigor and weaken the growth of wheat as a seedling, which might affect the wheat production ultimately.

Key words: wheat; seed germination; post-anthesis high temperature; amylase; peroxidase


ISSN 1001-4330 CN 65-1097/S
主办:新疆农业科学院 新疆农业大学 新疆农学会


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