新疆农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (6): 1368-1377.DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.009

• 作物遗传育种•种质资源•分子遗传学•耕作栽培•生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


阿不都卡地尔·库尔班1(), 潘竟海1, 陈友强1, 刘华君1(), 董心久1(), 白晓山1, 李思忠1, 高卫时1, 沙红1, 李小惠2   

  1. 1.新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所,乌鲁木齐 830091
    2.伽师奥都农业有限公司,新疆伽师 844200
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-07 出版日期:2024-06-20 发布日期:2024-08-08
  • 通信作者: 刘华君(1970-),男,安徽涡阳人,研究员,研究方向为甜菜高产高效栽培,(E-mail)285471609@qq.com;
  • 作者简介:阿不都卡地尔·库尔班(1992-),男,新疆阿图什人,助理研究员,硕士,研究方向为甜菜高产高效育种栽培,(E-mail)xjndkadier@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Comprehensive evaluation of adaptability of late sowing sugar-beet varieties based on yield correlation

Abudukadier Kurban1(), PAN Jinghai1, CHEN Youqiang1, LIU Huajun1(), DONG Xinjiu1(), BAI Xiaoshan1, LI Sizhong1, GAO Weishi1, LI Xiaohui2   

  1. 1. Institute of Economic Crops, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Urumqi 830091, China
    2. Jiashi Aodu Agriculture Co., Ltd., Jiashi Xinjiang 844200, China
  • Received:2023-12-07 Published:2024-06-20 Online:2024-08-08
  • Correspondence author: Liu Huajun (1970-), male,from Guoyang, Anhui, researcher, research direction: high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation of sugar beet, (E-mail)285471609@qq.com;
    Dong Xinjiu(1980-), male,from Linyi, Shandong,associate researcher, research direction: high-yield cultivation and physiological research of sugar beets,(E-mail)80416913@qq.com
  • Supported by:
    Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Second Introduction Project - Introduction of High Yield and Stress Resistant Sugarbeet Varieties and Application of Supporting Green Cultivation Models(2023006);National Sugar Industry Technology System Nanjiang Comprehensive Experimental Station Project(CARS-170705);"Demonstration of Comprehensive Cultivation Techniques for Improving Quality and Efficiency of Sugarbeet", a key talent cultivation project for "agriculture, rural areas, and farmers" in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region;Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Rural Revitalization Industry Development Science and Technology Action Project - Demonstration and Promotion of Standardized Planting and Digital Management Technology for Sugar Beets(2022NC064);Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Rural Revitalization Industry Development Science and Technology Action Project - Research and Demonstration Promotion of Water Soluble Fertilizer for Sugar Beets(2022NC068)


【目的】研究甜菜在新疆南疆特定生态区的生长发育特性,为新疆南疆晚播甜菜提高产量及含糖量提供参考。【方法】以新疆喀什地区引进的14个甜菜品种为材料,测定甜菜生物量积累分配、收获株数、块根单重、产量及产糖量等11个产量相关性状指标,分析晚播甜菜变异系数、相关性、主成分、隶属函数及划分聚类,综合评价晚播甜菜品种适应性。【结果】不同甜菜品种适应性不同,11个产量相关性状转化为3个主成分,分别为生物量因子、块根产量因子及产糖量因子,其累计方差贡献率为89.886%。14 个甜菜品种聚类划分为 3 类,其中品种KWS1130地上部和地下部生物量、根冠比及单根重等产量相关性的适应性和稳定性最强,综合排名第一。【结论】甜菜品种KWS1130适宜新疆南疆晚播种植,且能保证较高的产量和产糖量。

关键词: 甜菜; 产量相关性状; 综合评价; 适应性


【Objective】 To study the growth and development characteristics of sugar-beets in specific ecological areas in southern Xinjiang which might be of certain theoretical significance for the late planting of sugar-beets and the improvement of yield and sugar content in the southern Xinjiang region. 【Methods】 In this study, 14 sugar-beet varieties introduced from Kashgar region of southern Xinjiang were used as materials to comprehensively evaluate the adaptability of late sowing sugar-beet varieties through 11 yield related traits such as biomass accumulation and distribution, number of harvested plants, root unit weight, yield, and sugar yield. The methods of coefficient of variation, correlation, principal component analysis, membership function, and cluster analysis were used to evaluate the adaptability of late sown sugar-beet varieties. 【Results】 Different sugar-beet varieties had different adaptability. Through principal component analysis, 11 yield related traits were transformed into 3 principal components, namely, biomass factor, root tuber yield factor, and sugar yield factor. The cumulative variance contribution rate was 89.886%. 14 sugar- beet varieties were divided into 3 categories, among which KWS1130 had the strongest adaptability and stability in yield correlation traits such as aboveground and underground biomass allocation traits, root crown ratio traits, and single root weight, ranking first in comprehensive rankings, and belonged to a strong adaptability category. 【Conclusion】 Sugar-beet variety KWS1130 is suitable for late planting of southern Xinjiang, and can ensure high yield and sugar production.

Key words: beet; yield related traits; comprehensive evaluation; adaptability


ISSN 1001-4330 CN 65-1097/S
主办:新疆农业科学院 新疆农业大学 新疆农学会


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