新疆农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (7): 1615-1625.DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.07.007

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学·耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


钟辉丽1(), 武均2(), 陆祥生1   

  1. 1.武威市农业技术推广中心,甘肃武威 733000
    2.甘肃农业大学资源与环境学院,兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-09 出版日期:2024-07-20 发布日期:2024-09-04
  • 通信作者: 武均(1989-),男,甘肃人,讲师,博士,研究方向为保护性耕作、土壤生态学,(E-mail)wujun210@126.com
  • 作者简介:钟辉丽(1990-),女,甘肃人,农艺师,硕士,研究方向为土壤改良及经济作物栽培,(E-mail)1073306149@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of different growth stage application combinations of amendments on secondary salinized soil properties and sweet corn yield in Hexi Corrido

ZHONG Huili1(), WU Jun2(), LU Xiangsheng1   

  1. 1. Wuwei Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Wuwei Gansu 733000,China
    2. College of Resources and Environment, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070,China
  • Received:2023-08-09 Published:2024-07-20 Online:2024-09-04
  • Supported by:
    Gansu science and technology fund for young and middle-aged people "Research and demonstration on improving technique of secondary salinization soil under drip irrigation"(20JR5RE636);Gansu province livelihood science and technology special "Study and demonstration on high yield cultivation technology of high quality vegetables in Gobi Agriculture"(20CX9NH172)


【目的】研究前期筛选出禾康盐碱土改良剂不同生育期施用组合对河西走廊次生盐碱化土壤改良效果以及甜玉米生长的影响,以确定改良剂最佳施用方案。【方法】以甜玉2号为供试玉米,在整个玉米生育期结合6种不同组合的3次灌水施用盐碱土改良剂,研究其对河西走廊甜玉米出苗率、保苗率、株高、茎粗、植株鲜重、产量构成、产量、经济效益及土层盐碱指标的影响。【结果】随播种水施一次盐碱土改良剂,出苗率提高8.38%~11.00%,随苗水施第2次,保苗率提高13.31%~15.64%;吐丝期施第3次改良剂秃尖长缩短44.30%,一级品率最高达46.27%,且产量及经济效益最好;不同时期施入盐碱土改良剂可降低土壤盐碱指标:pH值、ECESP分别降低了0.15~0.35、31~146 μs/cm、0.8%~4.8%。【结论】施用禾康盐碱土改良剂改良土壤的最佳施用时期方案为播种期+改良剂37.5 kg/hm2、苗期+改良剂30 kg/hm2、吐丝期+改良剂15 kg/hm2

关键词: 甜玉米; 生育期; 次生盐碱化; 聚马来酸


【Objective】To study the effects of different application combinations of Hexi Corridor saline-alkali soil improv on secondary saline-alkali soil improvement and sweet corn growth in Hexi Corridor, so as to determine the best application plan of improv.【Methods】Taking Tianyu 2 as the test crop, the effects of saline-alkali soil improv on seedling emergence rate, seedling preservation rate, plant height, stem diameter, plant fresh weight, yield composition, yield, economic benefit and soil saline-alkali index of sweet corn in the whole maize growth period were studied.【Results】The seedling emergence rate increased by 8.38%-11.00% when saline soil amendment was applied once with seeding water, and the seedling preservation rate increased by 13.31%-15.64% when saline soil amendment was applied twice with seeding water. The bald tip length of the third amendment was shortened by 44.30%, the rate of the first grade was up to 46.27%, and the yield and economic benefit were the best. Saline-alkali soil amendments applied in different periods can reduce soil saline-alkali indices, pH, EC and ESP by 0.15-0.35, 31-146 μs/cm and 0.8%-4.8%, respectively. 【Conclusion】In summary, the best application time scheme of Hokang saline-alkali soil improver for soil improvement is: sowing time + improver 37.5 kg/hm2, seedling stage + improver 30 kg/hm2, spinning stage + improver 15 kg/hm2.

Key words: growth period; secondary salinization; polymaleic acid; sweet corne


ISSN 1001-4330 CN 65-1097/S
主办:新疆农业科学院 新疆农业大学 新疆农学会


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