新疆农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (8): 1861-1871.DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.08.005
• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学·耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇 下一篇
袁莹莹1(), 赵经华1(
), 迪力穆拉提·司马义2, 杨庭瑞1
YUAN Yingying1(), ZHAO Jinghua1(
), Dilimulati Simayi2, YANG Tingrui1
Correspondence author:
ZHAO Jinghua(1979-), male, from Qitai, Xinjiang, Dr. professor, research direction:water-saving irrigation technology, (E-mail)105512275@qq.comSupported by:
【目的】研究土壤、残膜、灌溉制度等因素对新疆北疆春小麦的生长发育及产量的影响。【方法】试验采用盆栽试验,运用正交试验设计,选取土壤质地、灌溉方式、灌水定额、灌水次数、土壤地膜残留量5因素,各因素设置4水平,研究不同试验因素组合下春小麦株高、叶绿素含量、有效穗数、穗粒数、产量、水分利用效率和土壤含水率各指标的差异及变化;利用apriori算法分析小麦各生理指标间的关联性。【结果】全生育期内不同处理下小麦株高变化趋势基本一致,对小麦株高影响较大的因素为灌溉制度;小麦全生育期内叶绿素值整体上呈现单峰变化趋势,适当提高土壤肥力可以增产;土壤含水率与土壤质地和灌水量有明显的相关性。在灌浆期适度增加灌水能够提高小麦叶片光合速率,达到增产效果;灌水次数以及灌溉方式对小麦产量及产量构成因素有显著性影响,渗灌的增产效果表现突出。最高耗水量和最大穗粒数,最大有效穗数,最大株高具有强相关性;最高耗水量与最低干物质重、最低SPAD值有强关联性;最高株高与最低SPAD值呈强相关性。【结论】土壤质地为粘壤土,灌水方式为渗灌,灌水700 kg/hm2,地膜残留量为0时春小麦产量最高,能够达到71.56 g/盆;灌水定额700 kg/hm2与最高耗水量和最大株高、最低SPAD值、最大有效穗数、最大穗粒数具有强相关性。过高的灌水量和耗水量会导致株高过高,SPAD值小。
袁莹莹, 赵经华, 迪力穆拉提·司马义, 杨庭瑞. 基于apriori算法对盆栽春小麦生理指标及产量的分析[J]. 新疆农业科学, 2024, 61(8): 1861-1871.
YUAN Yingying, ZHAO Jinghua, Dilimulati Simayi, YANG Tingrui. Study on physiological indexes and yield analysis of spring wheat in pots based on apriori algorithm[J]. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, 2024, 61(8): 1861-1871.
水平 Level | 试验因素 Experimental factors | ||||
土壤质地 Soil texture | 灌溉方式 Irrigation methods | 灌水定额 Irrigation quota (m3/hm2) | 灌水次数 Number of times of irrigation | 土壤地膜残留 Soil mulch residues (kg/hm2) | |
1 | 砂土质 | 膜下滴灌 | 400 | 5 | 0 |
2 | 轻壤土 | 喷灌 | 500 | 6 | 250 |
3 | 中壤土 | 渗灌 | 700 | 7 | 450 |
4 | 粘壤土 | 畦灌 | 800 | 8 | 650 |
表1 试验因素与水平设计
Tab.1 Experimental Factors and Levels Design
水平 Level | 试验因素 Experimental factors | ||||
土壤质地 Soil texture | 灌溉方式 Irrigation methods | 灌水定额 Irrigation quota (m3/hm2) | 灌水次数 Number of times of irrigation | 土壤地膜残留 Soil mulch residues (kg/hm2) | |
1 | 砂土质 | 膜下滴灌 | 400 | 5 | 0 |
2 | 轻壤土 | 喷灌 | 500 | 6 | 250 |
3 | 中壤土 | 渗灌 | 700 | 7 | 450 |
4 | 粘壤土 | 畦灌 | 800 | 8 | 650 |
处理 Treatments | 土壤质地 Soil texture | 灌溉方式 Irrigation methods | 灌水定额 Irrigation quota (m3/hm2) | 灌水次数 Number of times of irrigation | 地膜残留 Mulch residues (kg/hm2) |
T1 | 砂土质 | 膜下滴灌 | 400 | 5 | 0 |
T2 | 砂土质 | 喷灌 | 500 | 6 | 250 |
T3 | 砂土质 | 渗灌 | 700 | 7 | 450 |
T4 | 砂土质 | 畦灌 | 800 | 8 | 650 |
T5 | 轻壤土 | 膜下滴灌 | 500 | 7 | 650 |
T6 | 轻壤土 | 喷灌 | 400 | 8 | 450 |
T7 | 轻壤土 | 渗灌 | 800 | 5 | 250 |
T8 | 轻壤土 | 畦灌 | 700 | 6 | 0 |
T9 | 中壤土 | 膜下滴灌 | 700 | 8 | 250 |
T10 | 中壤土 | 喷灌 | 800 | 7 | 0 |
T11 | 中壤土 | 渗灌 | 400 | 6 | 650 |
T12 | 中壤土 | 畦灌 | 500 | 5 | 450 |
T13 | 粘壤土 | 膜下滴灌 | 800 | 6 | 450 |
T14 | 粘壤土 | 喷灌 | 700 | 5 | 650 |
T15 | 粘壤土 | 渗灌 | 500 | 8 | 0 |
T16 | 粘壤土 | 畦灌 | 400 | 7 | 250 |
表2 正交试验
Tab.2 Orthogonal test table
处理 Treatments | 土壤质地 Soil texture | 灌溉方式 Irrigation methods | 灌水定额 Irrigation quota (m3/hm2) | 灌水次数 Number of times of irrigation | 地膜残留 Mulch residues (kg/hm2) |
T1 | 砂土质 | 膜下滴灌 | 400 | 5 | 0 |
T2 | 砂土质 | 喷灌 | 500 | 6 | 250 |
T3 | 砂土质 | 渗灌 | 700 | 7 | 450 |
T4 | 砂土质 | 畦灌 | 800 | 8 | 650 |
T5 | 轻壤土 | 膜下滴灌 | 500 | 7 | 650 |
T6 | 轻壤土 | 喷灌 | 400 | 8 | 450 |
T7 | 轻壤土 | 渗灌 | 800 | 5 | 250 |
T8 | 轻壤土 | 畦灌 | 700 | 6 | 0 |
T9 | 中壤土 | 膜下滴灌 | 700 | 8 | 250 |
T10 | 中壤土 | 喷灌 | 800 | 7 | 0 |
T11 | 中壤土 | 渗灌 | 400 | 6 | 650 |
T12 | 中壤土 | 畦灌 | 500 | 5 | 450 |
T13 | 粘壤土 | 膜下滴灌 | 800 | 6 | 450 |
T14 | 粘壤土 | 喷灌 | 700 | 5 | 650 |
T15 | 粘壤土 | 渗灌 | 500 | 8 | 0 |
T16 | 粘壤土 | 畦灌 | 400 | 7 | 250 |
处理 Treatments | 分蘖期 Tillering stage | 拔节期 Jointing stage | 抽穗期 Tasseling stage | 灌浆期 Grouting stage | 成熟期 Ripening stage |
T1 | 7.52±0.78ab | 19.88±1.3bcde | 34.03±3.48efg | 37.33±2.72cde | 39.37±2.69cd |
T2 | 7.58±0.7ab | 20.17±2.06cde | 33.78±2.37efg | 39.88±6.86e | 41.23±6.76d |
T3 | 8.52±0.83abc | 20.37±2.77de | 35.42±2.23g | 39.12±2.09e | 40.37±2.03e |
T4 | 8.47±0.5abc | 21.98±1.6e | 31.73±2.67def | 37.55±1.33cde | 39.12±0.97cd |
T5 | 7.38±3.02ab | 21.48±1.42e | 35.1±3.07g | 40.1±1.19e | 41.78±1.58d |
T6 | 9.2±0.99c | 20.38±2.36de | 31.4±2.75de | 35.45±1.38cde | 36.85±0.93bc |
T7 | 11.3±0.64d | 27.65±1.4f | 46.73±2.46i | 54.9±1.6f | 55.15±1.74f |
T8 | 7.95±0.86abc | 18.33±1.95abcd | 27.17±1.03bc | 33.52±2.2bc | 35.12±1.99b |
T9 | 8.25±0.65abc | 17.05±1.54a | 34.77±2.71fg | 38.43±0.77de | 40.32±0.92d |
T10 | 8.03±0.58abc | 18.57±1.11abcd | 34.05±2.43efg | 39.08±7.15e | 44.63±1.64e |
T11 | 8.77±0.54bc | 18.73±1.38abcd | 21.92±2.26a | 28.03±1.03a | 29.87±0.87a |
T12 | 8.53±0.54abc | 17.33±1.85a | 24.55±1.24ab | 30.37±1.96ab | 31.72±1.72a |
T13 | 8.13±0.71abc | 17.67±1.3ab | 28.37±1.2c | 38.22±1.79de | 39.89±1.89d |
T14 | 7.97±1abc | 18.05±1.2abc | 29.67±3.08cd | 36.3±8.28cde | 41.02±1.67d |
T15 | 10.52±0.57d | 28.15±2.03f | 43.18±1.77h | 51.22±1.05f | 52.58±1.15f |
T16 | 7.25±1.12a | 17.18±1.12a | 27.42±1.87bc | 33.77±1.37bcd | 35.13±1.08b |
表3 不同生育期下春小麦株高的显著性的比较
Tab.3 Changes of analysis of plant height significance in spring wheat at different growth stages
处理 Treatments | 分蘖期 Tillering stage | 拔节期 Jointing stage | 抽穗期 Tasseling stage | 灌浆期 Grouting stage | 成熟期 Ripening stage |
T1 | 7.52±0.78ab | 19.88±1.3bcde | 34.03±3.48efg | 37.33±2.72cde | 39.37±2.69cd |
T2 | 7.58±0.7ab | 20.17±2.06cde | 33.78±2.37efg | 39.88±6.86e | 41.23±6.76d |
T3 | 8.52±0.83abc | 20.37±2.77de | 35.42±2.23g | 39.12±2.09e | 40.37±2.03e |
T4 | 8.47±0.5abc | 21.98±1.6e | 31.73±2.67def | 37.55±1.33cde | 39.12±0.97cd |
T5 | 7.38±3.02ab | 21.48±1.42e | 35.1±3.07g | 40.1±1.19e | 41.78±1.58d |
T6 | 9.2±0.99c | 20.38±2.36de | 31.4±2.75de | 35.45±1.38cde | 36.85±0.93bc |
T7 | 11.3±0.64d | 27.65±1.4f | 46.73±2.46i | 54.9±1.6f | 55.15±1.74f |
T8 | 7.95±0.86abc | 18.33±1.95abcd | 27.17±1.03bc | 33.52±2.2bc | 35.12±1.99b |
T9 | 8.25±0.65abc | 17.05±1.54a | 34.77±2.71fg | 38.43±0.77de | 40.32±0.92d |
T10 | 8.03±0.58abc | 18.57±1.11abcd | 34.05±2.43efg | 39.08±7.15e | 44.63±1.64e |
T11 | 8.77±0.54bc | 18.73±1.38abcd | 21.92±2.26a | 28.03±1.03a | 29.87±0.87a |
T12 | 8.53±0.54abc | 17.33±1.85a | 24.55±1.24ab | 30.37±1.96ab | 31.72±1.72a |
T13 | 8.13±0.71abc | 17.67±1.3ab | 28.37±1.2c | 38.22±1.79de | 39.89±1.89d |
T14 | 7.97±1abc | 18.05±1.2abc | 29.67±3.08cd | 36.3±8.28cde | 41.02±1.67d |
T15 | 10.52±0.57d | 28.15±2.03f | 43.18±1.77h | 51.22±1.05f | 52.58±1.15f |
T16 | 7.25±1.12a | 17.18±1.12a | 27.42±1.87bc | 33.77±1.37bcd | 35.13±1.08b |
处理 Treatments | 分蘖期 Tillering stage | 拔节期 Jointing stage | 抽穗期 Tasseling stage | 灌浆期 Grouting stage | 成熟期 Ripening stage |
T1 | 20.24±0.18ab | 32.31±1.23abc | 58.4±0.31a | 57.46±0.45a | 29.99±1.58a |
T2 | 20.91±0.16a | 34.81±1.22a | 61.44±0.42a | 59.74±1.12a | 27.13±0.4ab |
T3 | 20.83±1.3ab | 34.59±0.04a | 57.27±0.78a | 55.87±1.04a | 27.11±0.05ab |
T4 | 20.72±1.34ab | 30.88±1.21abc | 52.62±1.13b | 51.22±1.41b | 20.76±0.49cde |
T5 | 17.72±1.13ab | 30.43±2.21bc | 42.73±2cd | 42±1.69cd | 21.13±0.65cde |
T6 | 17.62±2.42b | 33.6±3.86ab | 43.18±3.98cd | 42.35±4.95c | 20.93±1.91cde |
T7 | 17.78±1.37ab | 32.97±1.41abc | 41.27±0.93d | 40.31±1.05cd | 19.81±0.08cde |
T8 | 19.16±1.24ab | 32.56±2.1abc | 47.31±1.38bc | 46.56±1.55b | 22.32±0.05bcd |
T9 | 18.61±0.04ab | 33.6±1.05ab | 45.9±0.7bc | 44.9±1.29bc | 18.85±0.19de |
T10 | 18.79±1.16ab | 30.92±0.89abc | 46.15±0.45bc | 45.77±1.08bc | 25.05±8.57abc |
T11 | 17.73±2.18ab | 29.4±0.17c | 38.78±0.66d | 38.35±0.1d | 19.7±0.04cde |
T12 | 19.51±0.82ab | 33.63±0.28ab | 47.24±0.74bc | 46±0.75bc | 23.14±1.33bcd |
T13 | 18.09±2.18ab | 32.71±0.16abc | 47.47±1.23bc | 46.6±1.42b | 16.15±0.35e |
T14 | 18.49±1ab | 31.63±0.47abc | 45.62±1.26c | 44.83±1.32bc | 18.32±2.93de |
T15 | 18.87±0.92ab | 31±2.35abc | 47.17±2.06bc | 47.51±0.65b | 22.92±0.28bcd |
T16 | 18.65±0.36ab | 30.84±2.4abc | 49.4±1.94b | 48.64±1.98b | 18.22±1.48de |
表4 春小麦不同生育期内 SPAD值的显著性
Tab.4 Significant analysis of SPAD values in spring wheat during different growth periods
处理 Treatments | 分蘖期 Tillering stage | 拔节期 Jointing stage | 抽穗期 Tasseling stage | 灌浆期 Grouting stage | 成熟期 Ripening stage |
T1 | 20.24±0.18ab | 32.31±1.23abc | 58.4±0.31a | 57.46±0.45a | 29.99±1.58a |
T2 | 20.91±0.16a | 34.81±1.22a | 61.44±0.42a | 59.74±1.12a | 27.13±0.4ab |
T3 | 20.83±1.3ab | 34.59±0.04a | 57.27±0.78a | 55.87±1.04a | 27.11±0.05ab |
T4 | 20.72±1.34ab | 30.88±1.21abc | 52.62±1.13b | 51.22±1.41b | 20.76±0.49cde |
T5 | 17.72±1.13ab | 30.43±2.21bc | 42.73±2cd | 42±1.69cd | 21.13±0.65cde |
T6 | 17.62±2.42b | 33.6±3.86ab | 43.18±3.98cd | 42.35±4.95c | 20.93±1.91cde |
T7 | 17.78±1.37ab | 32.97±1.41abc | 41.27±0.93d | 40.31±1.05cd | 19.81±0.08cde |
T8 | 19.16±1.24ab | 32.56±2.1abc | 47.31±1.38bc | 46.56±1.55b | 22.32±0.05bcd |
T9 | 18.61±0.04ab | 33.6±1.05ab | 45.9±0.7bc | 44.9±1.29bc | 18.85±0.19de |
T10 | 18.79±1.16ab | 30.92±0.89abc | 46.15±0.45bc | 45.77±1.08bc | 25.05±8.57abc |
T11 | 17.73±2.18ab | 29.4±0.17c | 38.78±0.66d | 38.35±0.1d | 19.7±0.04cde |
T12 | 19.51±0.82ab | 33.63±0.28ab | 47.24±0.74bc | 46±0.75bc | 23.14±1.33bcd |
T13 | 18.09±2.18ab | 32.71±0.16abc | 47.47±1.23bc | 46.6±1.42b | 16.15±0.35e |
T14 | 18.49±1ab | 31.63±0.47abc | 45.62±1.26c | 44.83±1.32bc | 18.32±2.93de |
T15 | 18.87±0.92ab | 31±2.35abc | 47.17±2.06bc | 47.51±0.65b | 22.92±0.28bcd |
T16 | 18.65±0.36ab | 30.84±2.4abc | 49.4±1.94b | 48.64±1.98b | 18.22±1.48de |
处理 Treatments | 耗水量 Water consumption (mm) | 水分利用效率 WUE (kg·hm2/mm) | 灌溉水利用效率 IWUE (kg·hm2/mm) |
T1 | 185.03±17.45bc | 0.52±0.01d | 1.03±0.02a |
T2 | 343.67±17.45c | 1.01±0.03ab | 1.1±0.03a |
T3 | 354.37±17.45c | 0.9±0.03ab | 0.68±0.06c |
T4 | 404.85±16.69b | 0.84±0.03b | 0.52±0.04d |
T5 | 270.89±16.69d | 1.16±0.07a | 0.85±0bc |
T6 | 303.49±16.69d | 0.71±0.08bc | 0.71±0.04c |
T7 | 361.51±16.69c | 0.86±0.05ab | 0.76±0.08bc |
T8 | 320.4±14.85cd | 1.06±0.19a | 0.83±0.11bc |
T9 | 356.42±14.85c | 1.03±0.01ab | 0.68±0.03c |
T10 | 369.11±14.85bc | 0.73±0.07bc | 0.46±0.03d |
T11 | 211.35±19.37bc | 0.55±0.1cd | 0.9±0.12ab |
T12 | 248.08±19.37bc | 0.42±0d | 0.62±0.03cd |
T13 | 453.93±19.37a | 0.49±0.05d | 0.45±0.03d |
T14 | 404.42±19.37b | 0.62±0.12cd | 0.74±0.11bc |
T15 | 377.29±19.37bc | 0.98±0.16ab | 0.87±0.1b |
T16 | 220.07±19.37ab | 0.41±0.02d | 0.66±0cd |
表5 不同处理下春小麦全生育期耗水量与水分利用效率的变化
Tab.5 Changes of water consumption and utilization efficiency of spring wheat during the whole growth period under different treatments
处理 Treatments | 耗水量 Water consumption (mm) | 水分利用效率 WUE (kg·hm2/mm) | 灌溉水利用效率 IWUE (kg·hm2/mm) |
T1 | 185.03±17.45bc | 0.52±0.01d | 1.03±0.02a |
T2 | 343.67±17.45c | 1.01±0.03ab | 1.1±0.03a |
T3 | 354.37±17.45c | 0.9±0.03ab | 0.68±0.06c |
T4 | 404.85±16.69b | 0.84±0.03b | 0.52±0.04d |
T5 | 270.89±16.69d | 1.16±0.07a | 0.85±0bc |
T6 | 303.49±16.69d | 0.71±0.08bc | 0.71±0.04c |
T7 | 361.51±16.69c | 0.86±0.05ab | 0.76±0.08bc |
T8 | 320.4±14.85cd | 1.06±0.19a | 0.83±0.11bc |
T9 | 356.42±14.85c | 1.03±0.01ab | 0.68±0.03c |
T10 | 369.11±14.85bc | 0.73±0.07bc | 0.46±0.03d |
T11 | 211.35±19.37bc | 0.55±0.1cd | 0.9±0.12ab |
T12 | 248.08±19.37bc | 0.42±0d | 0.62±0.03cd |
T13 | 453.93±19.37a | 0.49±0.05d | 0.45±0.03d |
T14 | 404.42±19.37b | 0.62±0.12cd | 0.74±0.11bc |
T15 | 377.29±19.37bc | 0.98±0.16ab | 0.87±0.1b |
T16 | 220.07±19.37ab | 0.41±0.02d | 0.66±0cd |
处理 Treatments | 有效穗数 Effective number of spikes (个/盆) | 每穗粒数 Number of grains per spike (grains) | 千粒重 Thousand grain weight (g) | 干物质 Dry matter (g) | 产量(g/盆) Yield (g/pot) |
T1 | 27.96±1.41e | 26±1.41bcd | 51.6±1.27b | 1.21±0.33abcde | 37.51±0.77e |
T2 | 41.95±1.41bc | 32.5±2.12a | 49.45±0.35bc | 1.88±1.45ab | 67.41±1.65a |
T3 | 41.5±0.71bc | 27.5±2.12abc | 54.65±0.64a | 1.29±0.24abcd | 68.37±5.14ab |
T4 | 44.04±1.41ab | 28.5±0.71abc | 53.15±0.78ab | 0.53±0.05de | 66.70±4.77a |
T5 | 47.49±0.71a | 24.5±0.71cd | 52.35±0.64ab | 0.87±0.05cde | 60.90±0.11ab |
T6 | 38.48±2.12c | 22.5±0.71d | 48.3±1.41c | 1.27±0.48abcde | 41.81±2.21cde |
T7 | 40.54±2.12bc | 31.5±2.12a | 47.65±0.64c | 2.12±0.41a | 60.84±6.46ab |
T8 | 46.59±0.71a | 28±2.83abc | 50.45±0.92bc | 0.36±0.19de | 65.80±8.83a |
T9 | 46.49±2.12a | 29.5±0.71ab | 52±0.99b | 0.74±0.45cde | 71.32±3.60a |
T10 | 39.96±2.83bc | 25.5±0.71bcd | 51.25±2.05bc | 1.13±0.5bcde | 52.22±3.05bc |
T11 | 30.56±2.12de | 29.5±2.12ab | 43.85±0.35d | 1.05±0.37bcde | 39.53±5.26de |
T12 | 31.41±2.12de | 23.5±2.12cd | 43.1±0.85d | 0.34±0.03de | 31.81±1.35e |
T13 | 38.46±2.12c | 27±1.41bc | 41.4±1.84d | 0.32±0.07e | 42.99±2.71cde |
T14 | 32.61±2.12d | 30.5±2.12ab | 48.9±0.85c | 0.97±0.3bcde | 48.63±7.37cd |
T15 | 41.08±1.41bc | 32.5±2.12a | 53.6±0.99ab | 1.59±0.65abc | 71.56±8.44a |
T16 | 39.42±2.12c | 21±1.41d | 40.75±0.78d | 0.49±0.15de | 33.73±0.18e |
表6 不同处理下春小麦产量及产量构成因素的变化
Tab.6 Changes of different treatments on spring wheat yield and yield components
处理 Treatments | 有效穗数 Effective number of spikes (个/盆) | 每穗粒数 Number of grains per spike (grains) | 千粒重 Thousand grain weight (g) | 干物质 Dry matter (g) | 产量(g/盆) Yield (g/pot) |
T1 | 27.96±1.41e | 26±1.41bcd | 51.6±1.27b | 1.21±0.33abcde | 37.51±0.77e |
T2 | 41.95±1.41bc | 32.5±2.12a | 49.45±0.35bc | 1.88±1.45ab | 67.41±1.65a |
T3 | 41.5±0.71bc | 27.5±2.12abc | 54.65±0.64a | 1.29±0.24abcd | 68.37±5.14ab |
T4 | 44.04±1.41ab | 28.5±0.71abc | 53.15±0.78ab | 0.53±0.05de | 66.70±4.77a |
T5 | 47.49±0.71a | 24.5±0.71cd | 52.35±0.64ab | 0.87±0.05cde | 60.90±0.11ab |
T6 | 38.48±2.12c | 22.5±0.71d | 48.3±1.41c | 1.27±0.48abcde | 41.81±2.21cde |
T7 | 40.54±2.12bc | 31.5±2.12a | 47.65±0.64c | 2.12±0.41a | 60.84±6.46ab |
T8 | 46.59±0.71a | 28±2.83abc | 50.45±0.92bc | 0.36±0.19de | 65.80±8.83a |
T9 | 46.49±2.12a | 29.5±0.71ab | 52±0.99b | 0.74±0.45cde | 71.32±3.60a |
T10 | 39.96±2.83bc | 25.5±0.71bcd | 51.25±2.05bc | 1.13±0.5bcde | 52.22±3.05bc |
T11 | 30.56±2.12de | 29.5±2.12ab | 43.85±0.35d | 1.05±0.37bcde | 39.53±5.26de |
T12 | 31.41±2.12de | 23.5±2.12cd | 43.1±0.85d | 0.34±0.03de | 31.81±1.35e |
T13 | 38.46±2.12c | 27±1.41bc | 41.4±1.84d | 0.32±0.07e | 42.99±2.71cde |
T14 | 32.61±2.12d | 30.5±2.12ab | 48.9±0.85c | 0.97±0.3bcde | 48.63±7.37cd |
T15 | 41.08±1.41bc | 32.5±2.12a | 53.6±0.99ab | 1.59±0.65abc | 71.56±8.44a |
T16 | 39.42±2.12c | 21±1.41d | 40.75±0.78d | 0.49±0.15de | 33.73±0.18e |
项目 Items | 关联规则 Correlation rule | 支持度 Sup | 置信度 Confi | 提升度 Lift |
耗水相关 Water consumption- related | J4->H4 | 0.312 5 | 0.833 3 | 1.333 3 |
K3->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
B3->H4 | 0.25 | 1 | 1.6 | |
A3->H4 | 0.25 | 1 | 1.6 | |
I4->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
J4, E4->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2.667 | |
A3, G1->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
G1, L1->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
C3, J4, F4->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
G1, F4, L1->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
株高相关 Plant height- related | C3, H4->F4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2 |
J4, H4->F4 | 0.25 | 0.8 | 1.6 | |
G1, L1->F4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2 | |
H4, G1, L1->F4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2 | |
干物质相关 Dry matter- related | B4->L4 | 0.25 | 1 | 3.2 |
H4, G1, F4->L1 | 0.1875 | 1 | 2 | |
穗粒数相关 Number of grains- related | C3->J4 | 0.25 | 1 | 2.667 |
C3, H4->J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2.667 | |
H4, F4->J4 | 0.25 | 0.8 | 2.133 3 | |
C3, F4->J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2.667 | |
H4, E4->J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2.666 7 | |
C3, H4, F4->J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2 | |
其他规则 Other rules | G1, L1->H4, F4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 3.2 |
G1, L1<->H4, F4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 3.2 | |
C3, H4<->F4, J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 4 | |
C3, H4<->F4, J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 3.2 | |
H4, F4, L1->G1 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2.285 7 |
表7 关联规则
Tab.7 Correlation rule
项目 Items | 关联规则 Correlation rule | 支持度 Sup | 置信度 Confi | 提升度 Lift |
耗水相关 Water consumption- related | J4->H4 | 0.312 5 | 0.833 3 | 1.333 3 |
K3->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
B3->H4 | 0.25 | 1 | 1.6 | |
A3->H4 | 0.25 | 1 | 1.6 | |
I4->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
J4, E4->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2.667 | |
A3, G1->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
G1, L1->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
C3, J4, F4->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
G1, F4, L1->H4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 1.6 | |
株高相关 Plant height- related | C3, H4->F4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2 |
J4, H4->F4 | 0.25 | 0.8 | 1.6 | |
G1, L1->F4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2 | |
H4, G1, L1->F4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2 | |
干物质相关 Dry matter- related | B4->L4 | 0.25 | 1 | 3.2 |
H4, G1, F4->L1 | 0.1875 | 1 | 2 | |
穗粒数相关 Number of grains- related | C3->J4 | 0.25 | 1 | 2.667 |
C3, H4->J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2.667 | |
H4, F4->J4 | 0.25 | 0.8 | 2.133 3 | |
C3, F4->J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2.667 | |
H4, E4->J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2.666 7 | |
C3, H4, F4->J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2 | |
其他规则 Other rules | G1, L1->H4, F4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 3.2 |
G1, L1<->H4, F4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 3.2 | |
C3, H4<->F4, J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 4 | |
C3, H4<->F4, J4 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 3.2 | |
H4, F4, L1->G1 | 0.187 5 | 1 | 2.285 7 |
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