新疆农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (10): 2341-2350.DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.10.001

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学·耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


马辉1(), 李星星1, 席育贤1, 艾麦尔江·阿布力提甫1, 杨涛1,2(), 田立文3(), 欧欢1, 罗单1, 阿布都艾尼·阿布都维力1   

  1. 1.阿克苏地区农业技术推广中心,新疆阿克苏 843000
    2.新疆大学,乌鲁木齐 830046
    3.新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所,乌鲁木齐 830091
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-30 出版日期:2024-10-20 发布日期:2024-11-07
  • 通信作者: 杨涛(1979-),男,陕西武功人,研究员,研究方向为土壤学,(E-mail)2874519408@qq.com;
  • 作者简介:马辉(1979-),女,新疆昌吉人,正高级农艺师,研究方向为棉花新品种、新技术推广,(E-mail) 1543043221@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Comparative study on the effect of top sealing soil and side sealing soil in dry sowing and wet emergence cotton field

MA Hui1(), LI Xingxing1, XI Yuxian1, Aimaierjiang Abulitifu1, YANG Tao1,2(), TIAN Liwen3(), OU Huan1, LUO Dan1, Abuduaini Abuduweili1   

  1. 1. Agricultural Technology and Popularization Center of Aksu Prefecture, Aksu Xinjiang 843000,China
    2. Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046,China
    3. Research Institute of Economic Crops,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Urumqi 830091,China
  • Received:2024-03-30 Published:2024-10-20 Online:2024-11-07
  • Correspondence author: YANG Tao(1979-),male, from Wugong, Shaanxi, professor, research direction: soil science, (E-mail)2874519408@qq.com;
    TIAN Liwen (1965-), male,from Feidong, Anhui, professor, research direction: research and development of light, simple and efficient cotton production technology, (E-mail) 1365400936@qq.com
  • Supported by:
    Tianshan Talent Project of Xinjiang — The Technology Establishment and Promotion of “Dry Sowing and Wet Emergence” for Improving Soil Quality of Cultivated Land in Southern Xinjiang(2022TSYCJC0049);Open Project of Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Desert Oasis Region, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas — Research and Application of Technical System for the Construction of Efficient Cotton Population in Machine-Picked Cotton Fields(25107020-202101);Major Science and Technology Project of Xinjiang—Key Technology Research on Efficient Water Use for Modern Agriculture in Arid Oasis(2022A02003)


【目的】 比较干播湿出条件下棉田正封土和侧封土的应用效果,分析适宜新疆阿克苏地区土壤类型和光热条件的干播湿出封土方式。【方法】 采用完全随机试验设计,干播湿出条件下分正封土和侧封土2个处理,探索不同封土方式对土壤温度、湿度、出苗率、苗期地上部单株干物质重、株高、主茎茎粗、土壤总盐空间分布、产量及其构成因子的影响。基于变异系数权重的模糊综合评价法评价不同封土方式的11个性状。【结果】 与侧封土相比,苗期正封土土壤日平均温度提高1.2℃、土壤日平均湿度始终保持在100%,出苗率提高13.7%,苗期地上部单株干物质重、株高、主茎茎粗均增加,667m2籽棉产量提高15.4 kg、单株铃数多1.58个、单铃重减轻0.1 g,衣分差别不大,产量及其构成因子差异不显著;正封土在0~10 cm、10~20 cm的种穴土壤脱盐率较侧封土分别低6.2%、6.8%;正封土、侧封土在0~10 cm和10~20 cm的土壤总盐含量均表现为窄行(滴灌带下)<种穴<宽行<交接行,同一耕层深度下滴水后的土壤总盐含量小于滴水前,0~10 cm的土壤总盐含量小于10~20 cm;出苗率与窄行(滴灌带下)的土壤总盐含量呈显著负相关;正封土、侧封土播种模式下,出苗率与窄行(滴灌带下)的土壤总盐含量X的曲线回归方程分别为Y=117.035 6X0.389 8Y=282.631 4X-0.852 1;正封土在土壤温湿度、出苗率、脱盐率、苗期棉株主要农艺性状、产量及其构成因子11个性状上的综合表现优于侧封土。【结论】 土壤质地为黏土的棉田,在干播湿出条件下适合用正封土。

关键词: 棉花; 干播湿出; 正封土; 侧封土


【Objective】 To compare the effects of top sealing soil and side sealing soil under dry sowing and wet emergence conditions and to clarify the dry sowing and wet emergence soil sealing approaches which will be suitable for soil types and light and heat conditions in Aksu area. 【Methods】 A completely randomized experimental design was used to explore the effects of different soil sealing approaches on soil temperature and humidity, the seedling emergence rate, dry matter weight per plant of above-ground parts, plant height, main stem diameter, spatial distribution of soil total salt, yield and components under dry sowing and wet emergence conditions that were divided into top sealing soil and side sealing soil. Meanwhile, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method based on variation coefficient weight was used to evaluate the 11 characters of different ways of sealing soil. 【Results】 Compared with the side sealing soil, the soil daily average temperature of the top sealing soil in the seedling stage was 1.2℃ higher, the soil daily average humidity was maintained at 100%, the seedling emergence rate was 13.7% higher, and the dry matter weight per plant of above-ground parts, plant height and main stem diameter increased, the yield of seed cotton per 667 m2 was 15.4 kg higher, the bolls number per plant was 1.58 more, the boll weight was 0.1g lighter, and the lint percentage was not much different. However, there was no significant difference in yield and yield components; The soil desalination rates of the top sealing soil in 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm of seed hole were 6.2% and 6.8% lower respectively than the side sealing soil. The soil total salt content of top sealing soil and side sealing soil in 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm showed narrow row (under drip belt) < seed hole < wide row <intermembrane junction line, the soil total salt content after drip irrigation was less than that before drip irrigation at the same tillage layer depth, and the soil total salt content in 0-10 cm was less than that in 10-20 cm. There was a significant negative correlation between seedling emergence rate and soil total salt content in narrow row ( under drip belt ).Under the sowing mode of top sealing soil and side sealing soil, the regression curve equation between the seedling emergence rate and the soil total salt content X in narrow row ( under drip belt ) is Y=117.035 6X0.389 8,Y=282.631 4X-0.852 1 respectively. The comprehensive performance of top sealing soil was better than that of side sealing soil in soil temperature and humidity, the seedling emergence rate, desalination rate, main agronomic traits of cotton plants at seedling stage, yield and yield components 11 traits. 【Conclusion】 If the soil texture is clay in cotton field, under the condition of dry sowing and wet emergence, it is suitable to use top sealing soil.

Key words: cotton; dry sowing and wet emergence; top sealing soil; side sealing soil


ISSN 1001-4330 CN 65-1097/S
主办:新疆农业科学院 新疆农业大学 新疆农学会


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