新疆农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (10): 2444-2457.DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.10.012
李新豫1(), 开乃斯·哈比江1, 李长城2, 赵蕾2, 张志刚2(
), 赵世荣1(
LI Xinyu1(), Kainaisi Habijiang1, LI Changcheng2, ZHAO Lei2, ZHANG Zhigang2(
), ZHAO Shirong1(
Correspondence author:
ZHAO Shirong (1987-), male, from Gansu, lecturer, Ph.D., research direction: fruit tree cultivation physiology, (E-mail) 756179754@qq.com.;Supported by:
【目的】 研究不同采收成熟度杏果实在常温贮藏条件下品质指标变化的规律,为杏果实适宜采收期的确定和常温贮藏条件的优化提供数据参考。【方法】 选择新疆优良杏品种‘树上干杏’、‘大白杏’和‘油光大白杏’为材料,根据果实发育时间及果皮色泽在七成熟与八成熟时进行采摘,将采摘后无损伤的果实在室温条件下贮藏,每隔3 d取样,测定果实品质指标和相关代谢酶活性。【结果】 常温贮藏条件下,3个杏品种七成熟和八成熟果实单果重、含水量、VC含量、可滴定酸含量、纤维素含量和细胞壁含量总体呈逐渐下降的趋势,七成熟果实6个指标的平均下降比率分别为41.36%、6.10%、57.60%、47.03%、24.26%和61.70%,八成熟分别为46.86%、14.11%、83.98%、60.30%、16.99%和64.92%。可溶性固形物含量、总糖含量、果胶含量和质膜透性总体呈现上升的趋势,七成熟果实4个指标平均增长率分别为9.38%、118.08%、238.64%和194.27%,八成熟分别为14.58%、85.28%、229.48%和199.82%。纤维素酶和果胶酶在贮藏前期维持较高的酶活性,多酚氧化酶活性逐渐升高,过氧化物酶活性逐渐下降。七成熟果实的可溶性固形物、总糖含量显著低于八成熟果实,硬度、可滴定酸含量和VC含量高于八成熟果实但差异不显著。【结论】 常温贮藏期间,前期果实结构性物质的变化幅度较大,后期内含物的变化幅度较大。七成熟杏果实物理结构稳定,果实外在品质方面维持程度较好。八成熟杏果实内含物分解量相对较少,内在品质保持程度较好。3个杏品种的耐贮性由强到弱依次为‘树上干杏’,‘油光大白杏’和‘大白杏’。
李新豫, 开乃斯·哈比江, 李长城, 赵蕾, 张志刚, 赵世荣. 不同成熟度杏果实常温贮藏条件下品质变化规律分析[J]. 新疆农业科学, 2024, 61(10): 2444-2457.
LI Xinyu, Kainaisi Habijiang, LI Changcheng, ZHAO Lei, ZHANG Zhigang, ZHAO Shirong. Analyze on the quality change rule of different degree of ripeness apricot fruit under normal temperature storage conditions[J]. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, 2024, 61(10): 2444-2457.
图1 不同成熟度3个杏品种贮藏期间果实腐烂率的变化 注:A为‘树上干杏’、B为‘大白杏’、C为‘油光大白杏’,下同
Fig.1 Changes of fruit decay rates during storage in the three apricot varieties with different degree of ripeness Note: A is "dried apricot on the tree", B is "white apricot", C is "glossy white apricot", the same as below
图2 不同成熟度3个杏品种贮藏期间单果重的变化 注:不同小写字母表示不同成熟度之间差异显著(P<0.05),下同
Fig.2 Changes of single fruit weight during storage in three apricot varieties with different degree of ripeness Note: Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different maturities (P <0.05), the same as below
图4 不同成熟度的3个杏品种贮藏期间果实可溶性固形物含量的变化
Fig.4 Changes of fruit soluble solids content during storage in three apricot varieties with different degree of ripeness
图6 不同成熟度的3个杏品种贮藏期间果实可滴定酸含量的变化
Fig.6 Changes ofn titratable fruit acid content during storage in three apricot varieties with different degree of ripeness
图12 不同成熟度的3个杏品种贮藏期间果实质膜透性的变化
Fig.12 Changes of fruit plasma membrane permeability during storage in three apricot varieties with different degree of ripeness
图13 不同成熟度的3个杏品种贮藏期间果实过氧化物酶活性的变化
Fig.13 Changes of fruit peroxidase activity during storage in three apricot varieties with different degree of ripeness
图15 不同成熟度的3个杏品种贮藏期间多酚氧化酶活性的变化
Fig.15 Changes of polyphenol oxidase activity during storage in three apricot varieties with different degree of ripeness
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