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Study on Grassland Eco-economic Function Regionalization in Manas River Basin

ZHANG Qing-qing;YU Hui;AN Sha-zhou;Tuerxunnayi Reyimu;JING Chang-qing   

  • Received:2017-05-25 Revised:2017-05-25 Online:2017-05-25 Published:2017-05-25



  1. 新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院/新疆维吾尔自治区草地资源与生态重点实验室,乌鲁木齐,830052

Abstract: [Objective] According to grassland productivity and ecosystem service functions, this project aims to carry out the ecological function regionalization of grassland in Manas River Basin in the hope of providing basis for optimization and utilization of regional grassland resources in the area.[Method]According to eco-economic property, significance of ecological service value and characteristics of seasonal grazing utilization, regulation mechanism of classified management and utilization was established based on dominant function and spatial and temporal pattern by using interpreted data of remote sensing image and monitoring data of vegetation investigation.[Result](1) On the basis of grassland productivity indexes, temperate desert(sandy desert), temperate steppe desert, temperate meadow steppe belonged to the lowest level and mountain meadow and alpine meadow and temperate desert belonged to the highest level.(2) The most important function of ecosystem services was mainly alpine meadow and mountain meadow.(3) Ecological service function could be divided into three types: ecological protection zone (44.0;) that included temperate meadow steppe, mountain meadow and temperate desert (sandy desert), the largest area: the economic functional region that accounted for 48.1;, including temperate desert steppe, alpine meadow, temperate desert and temperate steppe desert, and temperate steppe, which could be utilized as mixed functional region.This region covered a small area, accounting for 7.9;.[Conclusion]Different types of grassland productivity and ecological service function value are different, therefore, the function of ecosystem services and economic development should be taken into comprehensive consideration so that reasonable utilization of the grassland can be achieved.

摘要: [目的]根据草地的生产力状况及生态服务功能,对玛纳斯河流域草地进行生态功能区划,为区域草地资源的优化利用提供依据.[方法]以玛纳斯河流域为例,利用遥感影像解译数据以及植被调查监测数据,借鉴前人构建的草地生产力指数、草地生态服务功能价值指数和草地生态功能分区模型,对玛纳斯河流域的草地进行生态功能区的划分.[结果](1)草地生产力指数水平最低的为温性荒漠类(沙质荒漠)、温性草原化荒漠类和温性草甸草原类,最高的为山地草甸类和高寒草甸类和温性荒漠.(2)生态系统服务功能最重要的主要是高寒草甸类和山地草甸类.(3)玛纳斯河流域草地从空间上可划分为3种功能区,生态保护功能区主要包括温性草甸草原类、山地草甸类和温性荒漠类(沙质荒漠);经济功能区面积最大,包括温性荒漠草原类、高寒草甸类、温性荒漠类和温性草原化荒漠类;混合经营管理功能区主要是温性草原类.[结论]不同的草地类型其生产力状况以及生态服务功能的价值有所差异,综合考虑生态系统服务功能与经济发展,对草地进行合理的利用.