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Analysis on Spatial Distribution Pattern of Tamarix Ramosissima Population in Different Habitat

CHEN Jin-xing;YIN Lin-ke   

  • Received:2010-01-25 Revised:2010-01-25 Online:2010-01-25 Published:2010-01-25



  1. 新疆农业大学林学与园艺学院,乌鲁木齐,830052;中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,乌鲁木齐,830013;中国科学院吐鲁番沙漠植物园,新疆吐鲁番,838008

Abstract: [Objective]Tamarix ramosissima population mainly is divided into four kinds of habitat distributed types in the nature:the sandstorm locally born boundary, the meadow soil, spits adds according to the earth and the salt clay. [Method]The article used the pattern analytic method to analyze the different criterion spatial distribution pattern of Tamarix ramosissima in the different habitat. [Result]The result indicated that:①The sandstorm habitat type in criterion of 2-7 m was the colony distribution,when the criterion was transcended by 7 m,it was the random distribution.②Under all criterion (t),Tamarix ramosissima population of the meadow soil habitat type were all obviously deviated the colony distribution, and assumed it to be the random distribution;③The salt clay habitat type in criterion of 6~7 m was the colony distribution, but the criterion between 1~6 m, was obviously assumed it to be the random distribution; When the criterion transcended 7 m,it was the random distribution.[Conclusion]The research analysis result provided the basis for determining horizontal structure disposition pattern of Tamarix ramosissima population in different habitat in the Tamarix garden construction.

摘要: [目的]研究不同生境的多枝树柳种群空间分布点格局.多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)种群在自然界中主要有4种生境分布类型:风沙土生境类型、草甸土生境类型、吐加依土生境类型和盐土生境类型.[方法]采用点格局分析法分析了不同生境中多枝柽柳在不同尺度下的空间分布格局.[结果]①风沙土生境类型,尺度2~7 m以内, 其为集群分布,当尺度大于7 m时, 则为随机分布;②草甸土生境类型和吐加依土生境类型的柽柳种群,在所有的尺度(t)下,均显著地偏离集群分布,呈随机分布;③盐土生境类型,尺度6~7 m以内, 其为集群分布, 尺度在1~6 m, 显著地呈随机分布;当尺度大于7 m时, 则又为随机分布.[结论]为柽柳专类园建设中确定不同生境多枝柽柳种群水平结构配置模式提供了依据.