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ZHANG Wei-dong;Wang Weiqing;Wang Yueqin;LIU Hengyuan
Abstract: The selection experiment research of the early-ma turing and middle-late -maturing high quality,high yield wheat varieties were conducted in the Akesuhe and Weiganhe river valleies of the Talimu basin in south Xinjiang in 1998-1999.T he results showed:The early-maturing varies Handan5316 and Xindong20 were good i n the two crops a year area of these two river valley areas. The 92-6A variety w a s comprehensively good in the cold mountain area of the Baiched basin. It was re commended that these wheat varietes shoud be planted and popularized relevantly in the relevant areas when the high quality wheat variety indusrial structure ad justing was developed.
摘要: 1998年、1999年连续两年中,分别在南疆塔里木盆地阿克苏区内的阿克苏河与渭干河流域(含上游拜城盆地)进行了早熟型和中晚熟型优质、高产小麦品种的多点比较试验。结果表明,在两河流域一年两熟区域中以早熟品种邯5316、新冬20表现综合性状优良,而鲁麦23 表现面筋含量较高;在拜城盆地冷凉山区试验的中晚熟品种中以92-6A品种表现综合性状好。因而建议本区在发展种植优质小麦的结构调整中,将上述品种在相应的生态区域内加以推广种植。
ZHANG Wei-dong;Wang Weiqing;Wang Yueqin;LIU Hengyuan. Preliminary Report of High Quality Wheat Varity Experiment Rese arch in the Akesu Area[J]. .
张卫东;王渭清;刘恒元;王月琴. 阿克苏地区小麦品种产量与品质比较试验研究初报[J]. .
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