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Analysis on Genetic Diversity of the Rice Water Weevil Based on RAPD Markers in the Ecological Regions of Oasis in Xinjiang

WANG Xiao-wu;FU Kai-yun;DING Xin-hua;Tuerxun Ahemaiti;HE Jiang;GUO Wen-chao   

  • Received:2016-11-25 Revised:2016-11-25 Online:2016-11-25 Published:2016-11-25



  1. 石河子大学农学院,新疆石河子,832000;新疆农业科学院植物保护研究所/农业部西北荒漠绿洲作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室,乌鲁木齐,830091

Abstract: Objective]The objective of this experiment is to study the genetic structure and invasive route of L.oryzophilus in the hope of providing references that might be important for accurate monitoring and effective control of rice weevils.[Method]The L.oryzophilus were collected from 7 different geographic popu-lations of 105 individual from Xinjiang and north typical rice planting areas in China which was analyzed by u-sing the RAPD molecular markers in order to investigate the genetic diversity of the populations.[Result]7 good polymorphic RAPD primers that was finally-screened from 28 the random primers produced a total of 139 bands,of which 98 were polymorphic.The Polymorphism loci percentage(PPB)was 70.5;.The genet-ic diversity of the XJYNQ -apqal populations was the lowest (PPB:46.76;,H:0.210,6,I:0.323,9), while HLJAC was the highest (PPB:62.58 ;,H:0.300,6,I:0.445,0)The coefficient of genetic differentia-tion among populations Gst was 0.199,5,including 19.95;genetic variation partitioned among populations, 80.05; within populations.It was showed higher levels of genetic differentiation between different geographic populations.7 geographical populations of UPGMA clustering results showed that:Tangshan City in Hebei Provice,Gongzhuling in Jilin Province,Hebei City,the geographical population is a priority,which indicated the close genetic relationship.Followed by are Acheng City in Heilongjiang Provice and Qapqal and Huocheng County in Yili area.These places completed the first cluster,while the other populations in Wujiaqu city and Midong district constituted the second cluster.[Conclusion]The richness of genetic diversity of the L.oryzo-philus different geographic populations is different and have genetic difference in China.The rice water weevil, L.oryzophilus Kuschel in the ecological regions of oasis in Xin-jiang were probably invaded from Northeast rice planting areas in China in the course of introduction,such as straws and traffic tools by the people.

摘要: 【目的】研究新疆荒漠稻区稻水象甲种群的遗传结构及入侵途径,为稻水象甲的监测、有效控制提供参考。【方法】采用RAPD分子标记,对新疆各稻区及内地北方典型稻区7个不同地理种群105头稻水象甲个体的遗传多样性进行分析。【结果】28条RAPD随机引物中筛选出7条多态性好的引物,共扩增出139条条带,多态性条带为98条,其多态性位点百分率(PPB)为70.5;。新疆伊宁察县稻水象甲地理种群基因多样性最低(PPB:46.76;、H:0.2106、I:0.3239),黑龙江阿城最高(PPB:62.58;、H:0.3006、I:0.4450);7个地理种群之间的Gst(基因分化系数)为0.1995,稻水象甲各种群间遗传变异为19.95;,种群内遗传变异为80.05;,不同地理种群间遗传分化水平较高。7个地理种群的UPGMA聚类结果显示:河北唐山市和吉林公主岭市的地理种群优先聚在一起,其亲缘关系最近,接着依次与黑龙江阿城市、新疆伊宁察布查尔县及霍城县完成第一个聚类;新疆乌鲁木齐市米东区和新疆五家渠市则完成第二个聚类。【结论】稻水象甲不同地理种群遗传多样性不同且存在差异。新疆荒漠稻区稻水象甲随引种、稻草、交通工具等人为的从东北传入的可能性大。