Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences ›› 2024, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (4): 835-844.DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.04.006

• Crop Genetics and Breeding·Germplasm Resources·Molecular Genetics·Physiology and Biochemistry • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of water and nitrogen on growth, yield and water and nitrogen utilization efficiency of resown Maize and verification of scheme optimization model

ZHU Tao(), Lei Qingyuan, MA Liang()   

  1. College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China
  • Received:2023-09-21 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-31
  • Correspondence author: MA Liang
  • Supported by:
    Basic Scientific R &D Program of Public Welfare Research Institutions of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region "Evaluation of the Effect of 'yield Based on Water' Irrigation Method on Crop Yield in Typical Tank Farm in Xinjiang"(XJEDU2023Z006)


朱韬(), 雷庆元, 马亮()   

  1. 新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830052
  • 通讯作者: 马亮
  • 作者简介:朱韬(1999-),男,湖南益阳人,硕士研究生,研究方向为干旱区节水灌溉,(E-mail)
  • 基金资助:


【Objective】 This project intends to formulate a reasonable combined application scheme of water and nitrogen, and verify the practicability of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model based on analytic hierarchy process in field crop scheme optimization.Aiming at the high-efficiency and high-yield planting of Maize in the arid area of southern Xinjiang.【Methods】 Due to the arid climate, barren soil and low utilization rate of water and nitrogen in Xinjiang, the experiment of drip irrigation and fertilizer integration and joint regulation was carried out. Three horizontal gradients of irrigation water volume were set, which were 300 mm(W1), 400 mm(W2) and 500 mm(W3) respectively; Three horizontal gradients of nitrogen application rate were set, which were 0 kg/hm2(F0), 250 kg/hm2(F1) and 350 kg/hm2(F2),9 processes in total (W1F0、W1F1、W1F2、W2F0、W2F1、W2F2、W3F0、W3F1、W3F2). The effects of different water and nitrogen on plant height, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation, yield and water and nitrogen utilization efficiency of maize under drip irrigation were measured and analyzed. In addition, combined with conventional analysis and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, the optimal water and nitrogen combined application scheme was sought and the model was verified.【Results】 Under the appropriate amount of irrigation and nitrogen application, there was an obvious interaction between water and nitrogen, which could improve the plant height, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation and accumulation rate and yield of maize. The yield change was parabolic with the increase of nitrogen application and irrigation, and the yield increase efficiency decreased. Under the treatment of W2F1, the plant height, leaf area index, the dry matter accumulation did reach the maximum, the yield growth rate reached 24.35%, the water use efficiency reached the maximum value of 3.89 kg / m3, and the nitrogen use efficiency was second only to W3F1.【Conclusion】 The optimal irrigation and nitrogen application rates of maize water-saving and fertilizer saving production in Aksu area of Xinjiang are 400 mm and 250 kg / hm2(W2F1).

Key words: repeat corn; drip irrigation; combined application of water and nitrogen; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; yield; water and nitrogen utilization efficiency


【目的】基于层次分析法及模糊综合评价模型在验证大田作物水氮优选方案的实用性,为制定新疆南疆玉米高效高产种植水氮配施方案提供参考。【方法】设置3个灌水梯度,分别为300 mm(W1)、400 mm(W2)、500 mm(W3);3个施氮梯度,分别为0 kg/hm2(F0)、250 kg/hm2(F1)、350 kg/hm2(F2),共9个处理(W1F0、W1F1、W1F2、W2F0、W2F1、W2F2、W3F0、W3F1、W3F2),每个处理3次重复,测定并分析滴灌条件下不同水氮配施对玉米株高、叶面积指数、干物质积累、产量以及水氮利用效率的影响,结合常规分析与模糊综合评价法寻求最优水氮配施方案并验证模型。【结果】适宜灌水量和施氮量下,水氮之间表现出显著交互作用,可以提高玉米的株高、叶面积指数、干物质积累量、积累速率和产量,棉花产量随施氮量和灌水量的增加呈抛物线变化,增产效率降低,适当的灌水量和施氮量可以获得较高的增产效率和水氮利用效率,在W2F1处理下,株高、叶面积指数、干物质积累量等达到最大值,产量增长率和水分利用率均达到最大值,分别为24.35%、3.89 kg/m3,氮肥利用效率仅次于W3F1【结论】新疆阿克苏地区玉米适宜的灌水量和施氮量为400 mm和250 kg/hm2(W2F1)。

关键词: 复播玉米, 滴灌, 水氮配施, 模糊综合评价, 产量, 水氮利用率

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