Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences ›› 2024, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (4): 908-915.DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.04.015

• Agricultural Product Analysis and Detection·Soil Fertilizer·Agricultural Product Processing Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of delayed precooling combined with hydrogen peroxide fumigation on storage quality and physiological characteristics of flat peach

LI Ziqin1(), LI Wenqi2, Chen Ya3, ZHANG Zhenghong1, DANG Fumin1, ZHAO Zhiyong1(), LEI Yongdong1()   

  1. 1. Xinjiang Academy of Agri-Reclamation Sciences,Shihezi Xinjiang 832000,China
    2. Shihezi Quality and Measurement Institute,Shihezi Xinjiang 832000,China
    3. Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences Turu Fan Agricultural Science Research Institute, Turpan, Xinjiang 838099,China
  • Received:2023-08-27 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-31
  • Correspondence author: ZHAO Zhiyong, LEI Yongdong
  • Supported by:
    Third Phase of Tianshan Talent Program of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(2021-2023);People's Livelihood Practical Project of XPCC “Jujube Preservation,Processing Technology Improvement and Demonstration”;Heavy metal risk assessment of agricultural products inselenium rich soil areas of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps;Risk assessment of key hazard factors for quality and safety of red dates inXinjiang Production and Construction Corps(BTNA2023);Eighth Division Key Field Science and Technology Tackling Plan (Research and applicationof key technologies for green and simple cold chain storage, transportation, and preservation of flat peaches)


李自芹1(), 李文绮2, 陈雅3, 张正红1, 党富民1, 赵志永1(), 雷用东1()   

  1. 1.新疆农垦科学院,新疆石河子 832000
    2.石河子质量与计量检测所,新疆石河子 832000
    3.新疆农业科学院吐鲁番农业科学研究所,新疆吐鲁番 838099
  • 通讯作者: 赵志永,雷用东
  • 作者简介:李自芹(1986-),女,新疆石河子人,助理研究员,硕士,研究方向为农产品加工及贮藏,(E-mail)
  • 基金资助:


【Objective】 To study the effects of delayed precooling and hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) fumigation on the quality and physiological characteristics of flat peach during storage.【Methods】 After stacking in the shade for 0,2,4 and 6 hours,the samples were pre-cooled to 2℃ by tunnel-type in-situ differential pressure equipment and fumigated with 1% H2O2 for 5 minutes,respectively,and stored in a fresh-keeping storehouse with (0±0.5)℃ and 85% relative humidity,the physiological indexes of fruits were measured every 7 days.【Results】 The time required for the fruits to precool to the target temperature by differential pressure at 0 and 2 h was shorter than that at 4 and 6 h.delayed precooling combined with H2O2 fumigation inhibited the respiration of fruits,the rate of decay,the rate of weight loss and the activity of PPO were decreased,the activity of CAT was increased,the hardness,the content of soluble solids and vitamin C were maintained,and the ability of scavenging free radicals was enhanced,which inhibited the increase of MDA content and browning of fruit flesh,kept the integrity of fruit cell membrane,delayed the aging process of fruit and improved the fresh quality of fruit.【Conclusion】 The storage quality of flat peach can be improved by post-harvest pre-cooling combined with proper preservatives.The earlier the pre-cooling time,the better the retention of nutrients and flavor substances of fruits.

Key words: flat peach; differential precooling; hydrogen peroxide; quality


【目的】分析延迟预冷及过氧化氢(H2O2)熏蒸处理对蟠桃贮藏品质及生理特性的影响。【方法】以现采蟠桃为材料,于阴凉处堆放 0、2、4、6 h后,分别采用隧道式原位差压设备预冷至2℃,1%H2O2雾化熏蒸5 min,置于(0±0.5)℃,相对湿度85%的保鲜库中贮藏,每7 d测定1次果实的生理指标。【结果】堆货 0、2 h比堆货4、6 h果实差压预冷至目标温度所需的时间短,延迟预冷结合H2O2熏蒸处理抑制了果实的呼吸强度,降低了腐烂率、失重率以及PPO酶的活性,提高了CAT酶活性,保持了果实的硬度、可溶性固形物和VC含量,增强了果实自身清除自由基的能力,抑制了MDA含量的升高和果肉的褐变,保持了果实细胞膜的完整性,延缓了果实的后熟衰老进程,提高了果实的新鲜品质。【结论】采后预冷技术结合适宜的保鲜剂处理有助于提升蟠桃的贮藏品质,预冷时间越早,越能更好地保留果实的营养成分及风味物质。

关键词: 蟠桃, 差压预冷, 过氧化氢, 品质

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