【Objective】 To study the effects of genotype and environment on Xinjiang winter wheat protein quality characters. 【Method】 8 protein quality traits including grain protein content, wet gluten content, gluten index, sedimentation value and kneading properties parameters of dough etc. had been tested,which were from 762 winter wheat varieties at 3 representative sites in Xinjiang. 【Result】 Results showed that the grain protein content, wet gluten content, gluten index, sedimentation value, peak time, peak height, 8min width and 8min area of Xinjiang winter wheat varieties were 14.44%, 32.37%, 61.86%, 26.25 mL, 2.67 min, 53.09%, 15.30% and 107.16%TQ*min, respectively,and most varieties were medium gluten wheat. There were differences in protein quality of wheat in different environments. The wheat protein quantitative traits were Aksu> Shihezi> Yining, the wheat protein quality traits were Yining > Shihezi>Akesu, and there were significant differences in protein quality between the three environments. Genotype, environment and G×E interaction had effects on protein quality traits, but the effects were different, the environmental effects varied from 47.62% to 68.94%, the G×E interaction effect 23.34% to 41.38%, and the genotype effects 7.71% to 11.00%. The stability of different wheat protein quality traits were different, the stability of grain protein content, wet gluten content, sedimentation value, peak time, 8min width and 8min area were Shihezi > Akesu > Yining, the stability of peak height was Yining > Shihezi>Akesu, the stability of gluten index was Akesu > Yining > Shihezi. 【Conclusion】 Genotype, environment and G×E interaction had significant effects on protein quality traits of Xinjiang winter wheat varieties,showing environment >G×E > genotype. The quality of Xinjiang wheat was mainly of medium gluten type, except grain protein content and wet gluten content, protein quality traits of Xinjiang winter wheat varieties did not meet the national standard of high quality and strong gluten wheat, and the wheat varieties that meet the standard of strong gluten were less. The protein quality characteristics and stability of Xinjiang winter wheat varieties were different in different locations, the protein quantity traits of Aksu were generally better than those of Shihezi and Yining, and the protein quality traits of Yining were generally better than those of Shihezi and Aksu. The grain protein content, wet gluten content, sedimentation value, peak time, 8min width and 8min area were stable in Shihezi, peak height in Yining, and gluten index in Aksu. The selected materials, such as Xiaoyan 54, Xiaoyan 22, Bainong 68, Zhongyou 206 and Zhongmai 175 can be used to improve the protein quality of Xinjiang winter wheat.