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    Crop Genetics and Breeding·Germplasm Resources·Molecular Genetics
    Effects of soil moisture on leaf protective enzyme activities and yield of spring wheat cultivars with different drought resistance
    ZHANG Hongzhi, WANG Lihong, SHI Jia, KONG Depeng, WANG Zhong, GAO Xin, LI Jianfeng, WANG Chunsheng, XIA Jianqiang, FAN Zheru, ZHANG Yueqiang
    2024, 61(5): 1041-1047.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.001
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    【Objective】To study the effects of soil moisture on the yield of protective enzyme active agent in different drought-resistant varieties in the hope of providing theoretical basis for the breeding of drought-resistant spring wheat varieties.【Methods】Under field conditions, Xinchun 46 with strong drought resistance, Xinchun 37 with medium drought resistance and Xinchun 26 with weak drought resistance were used as experimental materials to study the effects of soil moisture on SOD, POD, CAT activities, MDA content and yield of flag leaves of spring wheat varieties with different drought resistance.【Results】With the increase of water deficit, the activities of SOD and CAT in flag leaves of wheat increased at flowering stage, and first increased and then decreased at filling stage.POD activity increased at flowering stage and then decreased, and increased at grout stage.MDA content showed an increasing trend.The SOD and POD activity of drought-resistant cultivar Xinchun 46 > drought-resistant medium cultivar Xinchun 37 > drought-resistant weak cultivar Xinchun 26 showed an opposite trend among varieties.The harvest panicle number, grain number per ear and yield decreased with the increase of water deficit.The harvest panicle number and grain number per ear of Xinchun 46 with strong drought resistance decreased less than those of Xinchun 37 and Xinchun 26 under limited irrigation and deficit irrigation, and the yield of Xinchun 46 under water deficit was higher than those of the other two varieties.【Conclusion】Under the condition of limited irrigation and deficit irrigation, the flag leaves of Xinchun 46 with strong drought resistance had higher SOD and POD enzyme activities, lower MDA content, and stronger active oxygen scavenging ability, which effectively delayed the senility of wheat plants.Compared with the cultivars with moderate drought resistance and weak drought resistance, the number of harvested ears and grain per ear decreased less, which was conducive to higher yield under the condition of water deficit.

    Effect of different drip irrigation on the growth, development, and yield of uniform sowing winter wheat
    WANG Runqi, JIA Yonghong, WANG Yujiao, LIU Yue, LI Dandan, DONG Yanxue, Gulinigaer Tuerhong, ZHANG Lulu, ZHANG Jinshan, SHI Shubing
    2024, 61(5): 1048-1056.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.002
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    【Objective】This project aims to explore the response of the yield formation pattern of uniform sowing winter wheat to drip irrigation and achieve water-saving and high-yield wheat.【Methods】Using Xindong 22 as the experimental material, field experiments were conducted to study the effects of different drip irrigation volume on plant traits, dry matter accumulation, and yield formation of evenly sown winter wheat, including W1 (1,800 m3/hm2), W2 (2,250 m3/hm2), W3 (2,700 m3/hm2), W4 (3,150m3/hm2), and CK (control, 3,600 m3/hm2).The response of yield formation of uniform sowing winter wheat to different drip irrigation volumes was analyzed.【Results】With the increase of drip irrigation volumes, the SPAD value and dry matter accumulation of each treatment showed a variation pattern of W4>CK>W3>W2>W1; At maturity, compared with CK, W1, W2, and W3 saved water by 50%, 37.5% and 25%, respectively.The dry matter accumulation, dry matter allocation rate, ear length, effective spikelets, ear number, grain number per ear and yield of W1, W2, and W3 were all lower than CK; W4 saved water by 12.5% compared to CK, and its dry matter accumulation, main stem spike length, spike number, spike grain number, and yield were 0.80%, 0.69%, 1.80%, 3.57% and 2.86% higher than those of CK, respectively.The effective spikelets of main stem, tillering spike length, and tillering effective spikelets were 0.71%, 0.52% and 0.00% lower than those of CK, respectively.【Conclusion】Overall, it can be concluded that W4 treatment (3,150 m3/hm2) can meet the water requirements for winter wheat growth and achieve higher yields.

    Effects of water and nitrogen application on winter wheat growth, yield, and water use efficiency under shallow buried drip irrigation
    XIE Zhong, YE Hanchun, WANG Zhenhua, LI Haiqiang, LIU Jian, CHEN Rui, XU Yushuang
    2024, 61(5): 1057-1066.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.003
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    【Objective】This project aims to discuss the effects of shallow burial drip irrigation belt, irrigation and nitrogen application on the growth, yield and water use of winter wheat.【Methods】In this study, three factors were set up: soil depth (0 and 5 cm), irrigation amount (270,315 and 360 mm), and nitrogen application (195,255 and 315 kg/hm2).【Results】The results showed that, when the irrigation quota was 315 mm and the nitrogen application rate was 255 kg/hm2, the yield, irrigation water use efficiency and nitrogen fertilizer partial productivity increased most obviously.Shallow buried drip irrigation increased the plant height and leaf area index of winter wheat by 5.58% and 16.77%, respectively, and the yield, irrigation water use efficiency and nitrogen partial factor productivity significantly increased by 8.32%, 8.20% and 8.16%, respectively.The net income of shallow buried drip irrigation increased by 1,092 yuan per hectare on average compared with that of no soil cover drip irrigation (0 cm).The net income of shallow buried drip irrigation with 315 mm of water and 255 kg/hm2 of nitrogen was the highest, (10,883 yuan/hm2).【Conclusion】The best irrigation and fertilization schemes are as follows: 315 mm of irrigation water and 255 kg/hm2 of nitrogen under shallow drip irrigation.

    Effects of combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers on fertility and yield of winter wheat in fluvo-aquic soil
    ZHANG Zhao, ZHANG Guilong, TANG Qiuxiang, YAN Xueying, ZHANG Yanjun
    2024, 61(5): 1067-1076.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.004
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    【Objective】To explore the effects of different fertilization on the fertility of wheat fields and nitrogen use efficiency and yield of winter wheat in the Huanghuaihai fluvo-aquic soil region in the hope of providing theoretical support and technical guidance for optimizing fertilization measures.【Methods】Based on the 12-year continuous fertilization treatment positioning experiment in Tianjin fluvo-aquic soil area, different fertilization treatments were set: including control (CK), single application of organic fertilizer (M), 50% reduction of chemical fertilizer combined with organic fertilizer (MF1), conventional quantitative fertilizer combined with organic fertilizer (MF2) and single application of chemical fertilizer (F).【Results】The results showed that, compared with the control, the fertilization treatments could significantly increase the soil organic matter and available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents in wheat fields, and the combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers had the best soil fertility improvement effect.Compared with the control, the soil organic matter increased by 92%, 48%, 78% and 20%, respectively in M, MF1, MF2.In terms of dry matter accumulation and yield, MF1 treatment significantly reduced leaf nitrogen content in booting-mature stage, promoted nitrogen transfer to grains, improved nitrogen use efficiency, and significantly increased the number of grains per ear and 1,000-grain weight, thereby increasing yield.The yields of MF1 and MF2 treatments reached 6,467and 6,345 kg/hm2, respectively, which were 12% and 9% higher than that of treatment F.【Conclusion】In conclusion, the combined application mode of chemical nitrogen fertilizer 115 kg/hm2 and organic fertilizer 15,000 kg/hm2 can reduce the chemical nitrogen input by 15% compared with the conventional mode, and keep the yield of winter wheat stable, which can be used as a recommended fertilization technology for winter wheat farmland in the fluvo-aquic soil area of the Huanghuaihai Plain.

    RNA-seq-based mining and analysis of drought-related genes in barley seedlings
    JU Le, QI Juncang, NIU Yinting, SHI Peichun, SONG Ruijiao, SONG Lingyu, YIN Zhigang, CHEN Peiyu, QIANG Xuelan
    2024, 61(5): 1077-1084.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.005
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    【Objective】To excavate the genes related to drought resistance in the hope of providing theoretical support for analyzing the molecular drought resistance mechanism of barley and guiding the drought resistance breeding of barley.【Methods】Taking New beer No.6 as the test material, we applied transcriptome sequencing RNA-seq technology to sequence the inverted bilobed leaves of barley seedlings before and after drought stress, and real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR was used to verify the functional genes.【Results】(1) In this study, 3835 differentially expressed genes were detected in the inverted bilobed of New beer 6 before and after drought stress by using RNA-seq, mainly genes encoded by ABC transporter proteins, ribosomal proteins, transcription factors, dehydrins, peroxidases, protein phosphatases, etc.The results showed that DEG was mainly enriched in starch and sucrose metabolism, transporter proteins, plant hormone signaling transduction, and protein phosphatases.(2) By KEGG metabolic pathway enrichment analysis, DEGs were mainly enriched in starch and sucrose metabolism, transporter proteins, phytohormone signaling, chaperones and folding catalysts, aminosugar and ribosugar metabolism, phenylalanine metabolism, taurine and hyposulphite metabolism, peroxisomes and other pathways.【Conclusion】Significant differences are shown in gene expression before and after drought stress in barley.The results of this study have laid the foundation for the excavation of key drought-resistant genes and for further analysis of drought-resistant mechanisms in barley(1592 up-regulated genes and 2243 down-regulated genes).

    Effects of spraying different concentrations of SAH by UAV on cotton growth and development
    LI Xuerui, ZHAI Menghua, XU Xinlong, SUN Minghui, ZHANG Jusong
    2024, 61(5): 1085-1093.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.006
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    【Objective】To study the regulation effect of different knot-cut amide concentrations on cotton growth, and to provide a scientific basis for the construction of light and simple cultivation.【Methods】Under the condition of the same dosage, the concentration concentration was controlled A total of 6 water volume were set, respectively 7.5(C1)、 15(C2)、22.5(C3)、30(C4)、37.5(C5)and 45(C6)L/hm2, to analyze the effects of different acetamine concentrations on the growth and development of cotton.【Results】The spraying of low concentration (C5 and C6) will prolong the growth period of cotton and make the cotton mature late; the cotton plant treated with medium concentration (C3 and C4) is the best, in which the C4 treatment has the highest yield; the high concentration of acetamide (C1 and C2) will advance the cotton growth period, shorten the growth period, promote the growth of peach, and reduce the single bell weight of cotton.【Conclusion】In the use of cotton in southern Xinjiang, the control effect of the water amount was 30 L/hm2, and the yield reached 2,762.6 kg/hm2.

    Design and experiment of corn precision no-till planter in drip irrigation area
    FU Hao, ZHANG Xuejun, SHI Zenglu, CHENG Jinpeng, WU Haifeng, YU Yongliang, RAO Zhiqiang
    2024, 61(5): 1094-1101.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.007
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    【Objective】In the hope of developing no-till seeding machines with reliable operation and adaptable to the cropping pattern in Xinjiang. 【Methods】The no-till planter stubble clearing mechanism, seed rower and drip irrigation belt laying mechanism were designed by means of motion analysis and structural design, and field verification tests were conducted. 【Results】The machine had good trafficability characteristic at the forward velocity of 5 km/h, and the stubble clearing rate reached 79.44%, meeting the requirements of no-till seeding operation; The seeding pass index was 91.33%, the missed seeding index was 3.18%, the reseeding index was 5.49%, and the seeding uniformity met the industry standard. 【Conclusion】The corn precision no-till planter in drip irrigation area meets the design requirements and can effectively carry out stubble clearing, seeding and drip irrigation belt laying operations.

    Effects of different planting densities on agronomic traits and yield of Zhongmian 113
    DONG Zhenlin, WAN Sumei, XIONG Shiwu, MA Yunzhen, MAO Tingyong, YANG Beifang, LUO Lei, LIU Chaoqun, CHEN Guodong, LI Yabing
    2024, 61(5): 1102-1111.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.008
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    【Objective】To study the effects of different planting densities on the agronomic traits, yield and fiber quality of CCM 113 and determine the suitable planting density of CCM 113 under machine harvesting mode.【Methods】In this experiment, 6 density treatments were set up with China Cotton 113 as the test variety: 9×104 plants/hm2 (D1), 12×104 plants/hm2 (D2), 15×104 plants/hm2 (D3), 18×104 plants/hm2 (D4), 21×104 plants/hm2 (D5) and 24×104 plants/hm2 (D6) to study the effects of different planting densities on their growth and development, boll spatial distribution, dry matter accumulation and yield under the traditional machine harvesting mode.【Results】Zhongmian113 plant height and stem thickness decreased with increasing planting density; leaf area index reached its peak around 88 days after seedling (around August 1), with the highest in D5 treatment at 4.1; with increasing planting density, the height of fruiting branches shed by cotton boll gradually approached from the 2nd and 3rd fruiting nodes to the 1st fruiting node, while the two shedding HF areas in the upper and lower parts of the cotton plant approached to the middle fruiting branches.The cotton boll tended to be borne in the inner part of the cotton plant, and the spitting boll was mainly borne in the lower part of the cotton plant.The dry matter accumulation of nutritional organs of cotton tended to increase and then decrease with the increase of density, while the dry matter accumulation of reproductive organs increased with the increase of density.The seed cotton yield was the highest in D5 treatment with 5217.83 kg/hm2, which was not significantly different from D4 treatment and significantly different from D1, D2, D3 and D6 treatments.【Conclusion】Reasonably dense planting is conducive to the cotton plant to make full use of natural resources and promote growth and development.In a film six-row (66 cm +10 cm) machine picking mode, planting density at 21×104 plants/hm2(D5) is conducive to medium cotton 113 to obtain a higher machine-picked cotton yield.

    Study on suitable planting density of cotton with different row spacing configurations in southern Xinjiang
    LIU Chaoqun, DONG Helin, WAN Sumei, ZHENG Cangsong, LUO Lei, MA Yunzhen, DONG Zhenlin, CHEN Guodong, LI Pengcheng
    2024, 61(5): 1112-1121.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.009
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    【Objective】To explore the suitable planting density of cotton with different row spacing configurations in the hope of providing a theoretical basis for the rational planting method and suitable density of machine cotton picking in southern Xinjiang.【Methods】Through field experimental research, the split-plot experimental design was adopted, and four row spacing configurations were set in the main area, namely 3 rows of H3:1 membrane (76 cm equal row spacing), 4 rows of H4:1 membrane (66+10+66) cm, 5 rows of H5:1 membrane (10+66+66+10) cm, 6 rows of H6:1 membrane (10+66+10+66+10) cm, and 3 planting densities were set in the secondary area, respectively, A1:150,000 plants /hm2.A2: 187,500 plants/hm2; A3: 225,000 plants/hm2, the agronomic traits, leaf area, dry matter quality and seed cotton yield of cotton were determined in order to obtain the optimal planting density of cotton under different row spacing configurations.【Results】The experimental results showed that the plant heights of cotton with different row spacing increased with the increase of density after topping, and the plant heights of A3 treatment were significantly higher than those of A1 treatment.After topping, the thickness of cotton stems became smaller with the increase of density, and the thickness of the stems treated with A1 was significantly higher than that of A3.The maximum LAI of cotton increased with the increase of density under H3 and H4 conditions, while it was the maximum at A2 density under H5 and H6 conditions.The maximum dry matter accumulation per unit area of cotton with different row spacing was the largest in A2 treatment.The density significantly affected the yield of seed cotton and the number of bolls per unit area, and the row spacing significantly affected the weight of the single boll.The highest seed cotton yield obtained by H5A2 was 7,026.9 kg/hm2, which was 0.8%-14.5% higher than that of other treatments.【Conclusion】Under the conditions of this study, the optimal planting density of 1 membrane with 3 rows(H3), 1 membrane with 4 rows(H4) and 1 membrane with 6 row(H6) spacing was 225,000 plants/hm2, and the suitable planting density of 1 membrane with 5 rows(H5) was 187,500 plants/hm2.

    Effects of different mulching patterns and supplementary irrigation on peanut photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation
    SHI Junjie, HOU Xianfei, YU Yuehua, LI Qiang, MIAO Haocui, JIA Donghai, GU Yuanguo, WANG Tianling
    2024, 61(5): 1122-1130.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.010
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    【Objective】To study the effects of different mulching patterns and supplementary irrigation on soil water content, dry matter accumulation rate, photosynthesis and quality of peanut.【Methods】Jihua 18 (semi-prostrate-type ) and Huayu 9610 (erect type) peanuts were taken as test materials to set limited irrigation without film(T1), medium irrigation without film(T2), full irrigation without film(T3), full irrigation with film(T4), then tp analyze the photosynthetic characteristics and quality differences of peanuts under different treatments, and finally formulate a suitable combination model.【Results】The soil water content of peanut in T4 treatment was the highest.The soil water content of Huayu 9610 in T4 treatment was 3.26% higher than that in T1 treatment at the early growth stage, and that of Jihua 18 T4 was 3.63% higher than that in T1 treatment; under the same treatment, the soil water content of Jihua 18 was higher than that of Huayu 9610.The dry matter growth rate of peanut under T4 treatment was significantly higher than that of other treatments.Compared with T1-T3 treatment, the underground growth rate of Huayu 9610 increased by 0.6%, 0.5%, 0.3%, and the aboveground growth rate increased by 34.4%, 17.9%, 4.2% respectively at maturity; The underground growth rate of Jihua 18 increased by 1.2%, 0.8% and 0.2%, and the aboveground growth rate increased by 54.9%, 37.2% and 27.3%, respectively.The protein, oil content and oleic acid content of Jihua 18 were higher than those of Huayu 9610 under the same treatment; All kinds of indexes of Huayu 9610 increased with the increase of water content under no film treatment.【Conclusion】T4 treatment is beneficial to increase soil water content, dry matter accumulation, photosynthetic rate and quality of peanut.However, under the condition of film free cultivation, Jihua 18 (semi-prostrate-type) can increase the surface coverage area, reduce water evaporation, and maintain a higher soil moisture content and dry matter accumulation rate compared with Huayu 9610 (erect type).The comprehensive property index is better than that of upright peanut.

    Horticultural Special Local Products·Forestry
    Effects of different ground mulch types on the berry quality of Marselan wine grape and comprehensive evaluation
    HU Jinge, BAI Shijian, CHEN Guang, CAI Junshe
    2024, 61(5): 1131-1139.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.011
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    【Objective】To study the effects of different ground mulching types on the berry quality of wine grape Marselan.【Methods】Five-year old grafted Marselan/SO4 was taken as test materials, clean tillage one as the control to study the effects of inter-row spaces of the vineyard covered with black geotextiles (BGM) and inter-row spaces of the vineyard with natural growing grass (GM) on Marselan grape quality.【Results】The results showed that cluster weight, berry weight, longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter were increased by ground mulch.Wilting percent of BGM was the highest, with 5.45%, juice yield was the lowest (32.89%), there was no wilting percent for GM, juice yield was significant higher for GM than CK.Soluble solid and reducing sugar content were decreased for BGM and increased fur GM.BGM and GM decreased titratable acid and pH, but increased sugar/acid.Total phenol, flavonoids, flavanols and tannins content in fruit peel were significantly increased for BGM and GM, anthocyanins content in peel were changed, but there was no difference.FRAP and ABTS antioxidant activity for BGM and GM were increased, but DPPH antioxidant activity for BGM and GM were significantly decreased.The correlation analysis of 26 berry quality indexes showed that there were significant positive or negative correlations, with correlation coefficients ranging from -1.00 to +1.00.【Conclusion】In turpan, grass mulch can be selected as a new model of wine grape cultivation.

    Effects of different irrigation rates on physiological characteristics, yield and quality of dwarfed close-planted apple trees
    ZHANG Yijia, CHENG Ping, WANG Lei, WU Sheng li
    2024, 61(5): 1140-1150.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.012
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    【Objective】To study the effects of different drip irrigation on physiological characteristics.【Methods】yield and quality of apple trees in Aksu area Xinjiang, Three kinds of drip irrigation treatment were set, namely: Low water W1(irrigation quota is 216 m3/667m2), medium water W2(irrigation quota is 249 m3/667m2), high water W3(irrigation quota is 282 m3/667m2), flood irrigation is CK(irrigation quota is 750 m3/667m2).Stem flow rate of apple tree was measured by TDP needle flow meter, leaf photosynthetic parameters were measured by Li-6400 portable photosynthesis meter, meteorological data were collected by HOBO small weather station, and soil water content of -20, -40, -60 and -80 cm were measured by ECH2O water probe.The yield index(single fruit weight、longitudinal diameter、transverse diameter、fruit shape index)and quality index(soluble sugar、total acid、K、Ca、Na、Mg、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn content)were determined.【Results】The stem flow rate of different irrigation treatments was CK>W3>W2>W1, and the average stem flow rate of different months was ordered as July > August > June > September.The net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate increased first and then decreased with the increase of irrigation amount, and the water use efficiency of W2 treatment was higher.The main meteorological factors affecting the stem flow rate of apple trees are solar radiation and atmospheric temperature.The 30-50 cm soil layer is an important area for drip irrigation.With the increase of irrigation amount, the yield increased gradually, but there was no significant difference between W2, W3 and CK.With the increase of irrigation amount, irrigation water use efficiency first increased and then decreased, and the irrigation water use efficiency of W2 was the highest, which was 65.59% higher than that of CK.According to water productivity, W2 treatment is the best treatment, but in arid areas, more irrigation can be used to increase the yield.【Conclusion】The optimal irrigation treatment for dwarf and densely planted apple trees in Aksu area Xinjiang is W2 treatment, the irrigation quota is 249m3/667m2, the irrigation times are 11 times a year, and the evaporation in July is large, should be timely irrigated.

    Study on the effect of water-fertilizer coupling on photosynthetic properties yield quality of walnut
    ZHOU Guanghui, CHEN Feng, SUN Shouxia, LYU Wei, PIAO Hanqi, HAO Jinlian, ZHANG Shubin, CHEN Hong
    2024, 61(5): 1151-1159.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.013
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    【Objective】To explore the effects of different water and fertilizer treatments on the yield and quality of Wen185 walnuts, determine the optimal water and fertilizer regulation thresholds for the fruit tree and ascertain the optimal water and fertilizer combinations to improve walnut yield in the hope of providing some knowledge for understanding the coupling relationship of water and fertilizer in the trees in Xinjiang. 【Methods】Wen 185 walnut was taken as the test species and different water and fertilizer and their interaction gradients were set to study their effects on walnut photosynthetic, yield and fruit quality. 【Results】Under the same fertility condition, with the increase of irrigation quantity, walnut leaf Pn value, yield and fruit quality indexes showed a increasing trend, and the difference was significant (P<0.05). Under the same irrigation amount, in low water, with the increase of fertilization, the walnut leaf Pn value and yield, the quality of fruit increased first and then decreased; in medium water and high water, with the increase of fertilization, the walnut leaf Pn value and yield, fruit quality showed an upward trend, but the difference was not significant (P> 0.05). 【Conclusion】The suitable watering amount was 3.92 m3/plant and fertilizer application amount was 5.50 kg/plant in sandy soil of Wensu County, Aksu,Xinjing.Water and fertilizer have great influence on the yield and fruit quality of Wen 185 walnut, and water and fertilizer coupling treatments can improve the photosynthesis, yield and quality of the walnut.

    Study on spatial distribution characteristics of walnut root system under regulated deficit drip irrigation
    LIU Junqing, LIANG Guocheng, ZHANG Xin, WANG Qingyong, ZHAO Jinghua
    2024, 61(5): 1160-1171.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.014
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    【Objective】 this paper mainly aims to analyze the distribution characteristics of effective root length less than 2 mm and establish the density function of effective root length to reveal the spatial distribution characteristics of walnut roots under different regulated deficit irrigation.【Methods】The effect of Regulated Deficit Drip Irrigation on the spatial distribution of effective root system of walnut tree was studied by excavating the pre-set small soil block (30×20×20) cm by using 14-year-old Wen 185 walnut tree as test material.【Results】It was found that the total effective root length distribution of walnut trees in W0, W3 and W4 showed a single peak curve in different deficit regulation drip irrigation treatments, and the total effective root length of each deficit regulation treatment was the largest at 20-40 cm, which were 50,959, 74,067 and 55,678 cm, respectively.Based on the one-dimensional effective root length density distribution of walnut trees, it was concluded that the root length density of different treatments at different soil depths conformed to exponential distribution, and the root length density of different treatments at different horizontal distances from walnut trees accorded with polynomial distribution.According to the two-dimensional effective root length density distribution of walnut trees, whether it was the change of effective root length along the row direction with the depth of soil layer or the change of effective root length along the plant direction with the depth of soil layer, W0, W3 and W4 treatments all showed that the depth of soil layer was 20-40 cm, and the maximum was 30-60 cm away from the row direction of walnut trees, which was 11,794, 22,753 and 14,119 cm.【Conclusion】The effects of different Regulated Deficit Drip Irrigation Treatments on the spatial distribution of walnut roots are as follows: root growth of W3 > root growth of W4 > root growth of W0.

    Analysis of phenotypic trait variation characteristics of Morus nigra L.germplasm resources
    YANG Lu, WANG Na, FAN Shaoli, CHENG Ping, LI Hong, WANG Yangdong
    2024, 61(5): 1172-1181.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.015
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    【Objective】The phenotypic traits of 710 M.nigra L.germplasm resources from 21 collection sites in southeast Xinjiang through the genetic diversity and cluster analysis in the hope of laying the foundation for the systematic research, development and utilization of M.nigra. germplasm resources in Xinjiang.【Methods】The genetic diversity, principal components, clustering and correlation analysis of 15 qualitative and 12 quantitative description characteristics of M.nigra. were carried out.【Results】The diversity of qualitative description characters of 710 black mulberry germplasm resources was low; The diversity of four personality characters (leaf size, branch circumference, leaf width and leaf shape) was relatively rich, while the diversity of other quantitative traits was low; The clustering results of phenotypic traits of M.nigra. were mainly concentrated in two groups.According to the distribution of administrative regions, one group was mainly concentrated in the southern margin of the Tarim Basin, and the other group was mainly concentrated in the northern margin of the Tarim Basin; There was a significant negative correlation between fruit shape index and latitude, while there was no correlation between other quantitative characters and geographical factors (longitude, latitude and altitude); The differences of leaf size and leaf circumference were the main characteristics to distinguish the varieties of M.nigra. varieties from different regions; In addition, the leaf size and perimeter were positively regulated by temperature and negatively regulated by rainfall.【Conclusion】The genetic diversity of phenotypic characteristics of black mulberry is low.

    Effects of intercropping poplar-alfalfa on growth and quality of alfalfa in forest-grass compound system
    DAI Yuanshuai, LU Weihua, SHEN Lei, WANG Xiuyuan, ZHANG Wenlong, ZHANG Wei
    2024, 61(5): 1182-1189.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.016
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    【Objective】This experiment explored the influence of poplar-alfalfa intercropping on the growth, development and quality of alfalfa, so as to provide theoretical and technical basis for the sustainable development of forest and grass composite model in Xinjiang.【Methods】The experiment from 2018 to 2019, during the early April to September of every 15 days to sampling of alfalfa, determination of alfalfa agronomic traits (plant height, leaf area index, stem/leaf ratio, stem diameter, growth rate) and quality (crude protein, crude fat, forage quality), and the sole, intercropping alfalfa microclimate monitoring field (air temperature, air humidity and dew point temperature, wind speed) monitoring.【Results】The results showed that intercropped alfalfa was significantly lower than sole-cropped alfalfa in agronomic traits, and the total yield of intercropped alfalfa was 55.27% lower than that of sole-cropped alfalfa. The dew point temperature and wind speed of alfalfa monoculture were 70.68% and 93.83% higher than that of intercropping, but the air humidity of sole-cropped alfalfa was 13.49% lower than that of intercropped alfalfa, and there was no significant difference in air temperature. The crude protein, crude fat and forage quality of intercropping alfalfa were 17.78%, 12.33% and 17.26% higher than that of sole-cropped alfalfa.【Conclusion】The development of intercropping between forest and grass can improve the microclimate of farmland.

    Stady on the different instars of Stethorus punctillum to the varying stage of Tetranychus truncatus
    LIU Shuai, Aerziguli Rouzi, Haziyi , WANG Bing, JIA Zunzun, DING Xinhua, FU Kaiyun, LI Kemei, Tuerxun Ahemaiti, GUO Wenchao
    2024, 61(5): 1190-1200.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.017
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    【Objective】To study the predation function response of Stethorus punctillum Weise to Tetranychus truncatus Ehara, and to clarify the predation effect of S.punctillum on different forms of T.truncatus, This study provided theoretical basis and technical support for the comprehensive management of T.truncatus in the field and the utilization and exploitation of natural enemy resources.【Methods】With T.truncatus as prey, we studied the predation of S.punctillum under different predation states and different density combinations of T.truncatus.【Results】The predation function types of S.punctillum to each form of T.truncatus belonged to Holling-II type.The predation capacity of the fourth instar larvae was the strongest.The daily maximum predation capacity of the fourth instar larvae (90.91) was 23.09 times of that of the second instar larvae (3.94) and 4 times of that of the third instar larvae (22.73),followed by female adults, male adults, second instar larvae, and first instar larvae.The search effect of S.punctillum on T.truncatus decreased with the increase of prey quantity, and increased with the increase of age of S.punctillum.When the prey species were adult, if and juvenile mites, the search effects of the fourth instar larvae and female adults were similar, and both were greater than those of other insect states.【Conclusion】The fourth instar larva and the adult of S.punctillum preys more prey on the T.truncatus and have similar damage control ability.

    Plant Protection
    Pathogen identification and biological characteristics analysis of wheat snow rot caused by Microdochium nivale
    WANG Li, ZHOU Xiaoyun, YAN Rong, ZHANG Jungao, LI Jin, LIANG Jing, GONG Jingyun, DU Yu, MA Deying, LEI Bin
    2024, 61(5): 1201-1208.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.018
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    【Objective】The study aims to investigate the species and biological characteristics of the causal agents of wheat snow mold disease in the main wheat-producing areas of Yili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture (Yili Prefecture), Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, in order to provide scientific basis for the development of pesticides and the prevention and control of the disease. 【Methods】The pathogen of winter wheat snow mold disease was isolated by tissue culture method and inoculated onto healthy wheat plants to verify its pathogenicity. The species of the pathogen was identified by combining its biological characteristics and ITS gene sequence analysis. The biological characteristics of the pathogen were studied by the method of growth rate. 【Results】The isolates YLXF-1, YLXF-2, and YLXF-3 could infect healthy wheat and exhibit the same symptoms of disease in the field. Morphological and molecular biological identification results indicated that the pathogen was Microdochium nivale. The pathogen could grow at temperatures of 5-35°C, pH values of 3-12, under different light conditions, and on various test media, and could utilize most of the tested carbon and nitrogen sources, indicating strong environmental adaptability. The pathogen had faster mycelial growth at 20°C, pH 8, and 12 h of light-dark alternation culture on PDA medium, and utilized sucrose and beef extract as the better carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively.【Conclusion】The pathogen of wheat snow mold disease in the main production area of winter wheat in Yili, Xinjiang is M. nivale. The optimal growth temperature of the pathogen mycelium is 20°C, pH value is 8, light is 12 h of light and darkness alternation, culture medium is PDA, the best carbon source is sucrose, and the best nitrogen source is beef extract.

    Identification and biological characterization of the root rot pathogen of wheat in Xinjiang caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana
    YAN Rong, ZHOU Xiaoyun, ZHANG Jungao, WANG Li, LI Jin, LIANG Jing, GONG Jingyun, DU Yu, LI Kemei, LEI Bin
    2024, 61(5): 1209-1217.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.019
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    【Objective】To clarify the species and biological characteristics of root rot pathogens of wheat in Xinjiang, and to provide a scientific basis for the development of effective prevention and control measures.【Methods】This study used tissue isolation method to isolate and culture the pathogens in Xinjiang, selected representative strains from different regions for pathogenicity detection, combined with morphological and molecular means to identify pathogens species, and used the growth rate method to determine their main biological characteristics.【Results】The representative strains (KS1-3, YL26, TC30 and ML26) were pathogenic; the pathogens were identified as Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoemaker. The PDA medium was the most suitable for mycelial growth, and it can grew at 5-35℃ and pH 4-10. The optimum temperature was 30℃, the optimum pH was 7, it was not sensitive to light, the best carbon sources were soluble starch and sucrose, and the best nitrogen sources were beef extract and peptone.【Conclusion】The pathogens of wheat root rot in Xinjiang are Bipolaris sorokiniana, and its main biological characteristies are similar to most fungi, preferring temperature and light.

    Analysis of the composition differences between two yeast cultures based on untargeted metabolomics
    LIN Qing, SHI Hongling, QIN Xinzheng, LI Yue, WANG Zihan, GAO Yan, ZENG Jun, WANG Haozhong, LOU Kai, HUO Xiangdong
    2024, 61(5): 1218-1226.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.020
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    【Objective】This project aims to compare the metabolic components differences between the XP and experimental group yeast culture,the findings will provide a reference for guiding the production and application of yeast culture.【Methods】The untargeted metabolomics UHPLC-QTOF-MS technology was used to analyze and compare the composition and differences of the metabolic components between the 2 yeast cultures.【Results】(1) Under the super classification annotation, a total of 614 and 497 compounds were noted in positive and negative ion modes respectively.The main metabolic classes were organic acids, nucleosides, nucleotides and their derivatives, amino acids and their derivatives and so on.There were no specific metabolic components in the two yeast cultures, only significant differences in content (P<0.05).(2) In the positive ion mode, 237 differential metabolites were detected, of which 176 were significantly up-regulated(P<0.05) and 61 were significantly down-regulated (P<0.05) in expression.In the negative ion mode, 136 differential metabolites were detected, of which 64 were significantly up-regulated (P<0.05) and 72 were significantly down-regulated (P<0.05) in expression.(3) The KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) enrichment pathway of differential metabolites mainly focused on alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism.【Conclusion】Due to different carbon and nitrogen sources and fermentation conditions, the yeast cultures have significant differences in the content of metabolites, but with their own advantages of the biological activity of main differential metabolites.

    Study on pathogenicity of Cytospora on Poplus and Salix in Xinjiang
    ZHAI Yawei, CHEN Hongjin, SUN Hongtao, CHEN Shuaikang, LIU Chuli, MA Rong
    2024, 61(5): 1227-1235.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.021
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    【Objective】This project aims to clarify Cytospora on the pathogenicity of Poplus and Salix in Xinjiang.【Methods】In this study, the representative strains of 13 species of Cytospora identified previously were inoculated on Poplus alba and Salix alba by branch scalding in vitro and then the lesion area was measured to compare the pathogenicity of different species of Cytospora on Poplus and Salix.【Results】Strains 2067-3 ( C.nivea ) and 1579-1 ( C.chrysosperma ) had the strongest pathogenicity on Poplus and Salix, with the highest lesion areas of 6,021.30 and 5,661.87 mm2, respectively.5 species of Cytospora isolated from Poplus sp.and Salix sp.were selected and inoculated on the detached branches of Poplus alba and Salix alba respectively.The lesion area of detached branches of Poplus alba was significantly larger than that of Salix alba.3 species of Cytospora isolated from Poplus sp.and 5 species of Cytospora isolated from Salix sp.could cause disease after cross infection, and there were significant differences in pathogenicity.Strains 2191-2 (C.leucostoma) and 1010-1 (C.salicacearum) were more pathogenic on poplar than those isolated from willow.【Conclusion】The 13 species of Cytospora from Poplus and Salix are pathogenic to Poplus and Salix, and the pathogenicity is significantly different.

    Meta-analysis of influencing factors on soil microbial population in seasonal freeze-thaw period
    YANG Yuefa, WANG Chunxia, LIANG Fei, LAN Mingju
    2024, 61(5): 1236-1249.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.022
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    【Objective】To investigate the factors influencing soil bacterial and fungal populations during the seasonal freeze-thaw period.【Methods】The experimental data of relevant soil seasonal freeze-thaw periods were collected through the databases of China Knowledge Network and Web of Science, and the quality of the extracted literature was evaluated according to the exclusion and inclusion criteria and using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) evaluation criteria, and those with scores ≥6 and high quality were included in the study, and RevMan 5.4 was used for Meta-analysis.【Results】The final 42 papers met the inclusion criteria, among which, 7 were SCI articles and 27 were CSCD articles.The analysis showed that soil water content had the most significant effect on soil bacteria during the seasonal freeze-thaw period; soil pH had the most significant effect on soil fungi, and soil organic matter had the least significant effect on soil bacteria and fungi.During the seasonal freeze-thaw period, soil organic nitrogen had the most dominant effect on soil bacteria soil water content had the most dominant effect on soil fungi.【Conclusion】Soil pH and soil water content play a decisive role in soil bacteria and fungi during the seasonal freeze-thaw period.

    Prataculture·Animal Husbandry Veterinarian
    Effects of sealing on fungal communities in desert grasslands
    GENG Meiju, WANG Xinhui, LIU Xiaoying, LYU Pei
    2024, 61(5): 1250-1258.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.023
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    【Objective】Assess the response of closure to fungal communities and to describe the role of fungal communities in the soil.【Methods】A field survey was conducted to investigate the effect of sealing on the fungal communities of desert grasslands based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) technique and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), using 14 years of sealing and adjacent free-grazing desert grasslands as the study objects.【Results】The results showed that sealing increased the community abundance of Ascomycota and decreased the community abundance of Basidiomycota, Mortierellomycota, and unclassified_k_Fungi, significantly altered the beta diversity of the fungal community.In addition, soil nutrient content and plant biomass were higher under the sealing treatment than under the grazing treatment.The fungal communities were more closely linked internally under closed conditions, with the main relationships being competitive with each other, whereas under grazing conditions the fungal communities were mainly in a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.A strong correlation between fungal communities and total soil potassium and plant biomass.Soil differential fungal communities were mostly significantly and positively correlated with metabolites.【Conclusion】Sealing altered fungal community richness and increased plant biomass above and below ground.

    Growth and development rules and growth curve fitting analysis of Baicheng County Fried Chicken with different feather lines
    YAO Yang, DONG Wei, LI Haiying, ZHAO Xiaoyu, LIAO Herong, WU Yingping, WANG Gang, HUANG Guijie
    2024, 61(5): 1259-1267.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.024
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    【Objective】The experiment aims to understand the growth and development rules of Baicheng County Fried Chicken with different feather, namely black hemp feather, yellow feather, and silvery grey feather, and provide theoretical basis for scientific feeding management and breeding improvement of Baicheng County Fried Chicken.【Methods】200 healthy chicks (half males and half females) of each feather color were selected at the age of 0 days, and their body weight was measured and recorded from 0 to 22 weeks old. Logistic, Gompertz, and Von Bertalanffy growth models were used to fit and analyze the growth curve of male and female Baicheng County Fried Chickens.【Results】At 10 and 14 weeks old, the body weight of male Black hemp feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken was significantly higher than that of male Silvery grey feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken (P<0.05). At 12 weeks old, the body weight of male black hemp feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken was significantly higher than that of male Yellow feather and silvery grey feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken (P<0.05); at 16 weeks old, the body weight of male black hemp feather and yellow feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken was extremely significantly higher than that of male silvery grey feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken (P<0.01), and at 20 and 22 weeks old, the body weight of male black hemp feather and yellow feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken was significantly higher than that of male silvery grey feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken(P<0.05). For female Baicheng County Fried Chicken, the birth weight of yellow feather was significantly or extremely significant higher than that of black hemp feather and silvery grey feather (P<0.05 or P<0.01); at 6 and 8 weeks old, the body weight of female black hemp feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken was significantly higher than that of female silvery grey feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken (P<0.05), and at 20 and 22 weeks old, the body weight of female Yellow feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken was significantly higher than that of female Silvery grey feather Baicheng County Fried Chicken (P<0.05). The growth curve of the three feather colors of Baicheng County Fried Chicken showed an "S" shape, and the growth peak of male chickens was reached at the 10th week, while that of female chickens was reached at the 12th week. The fitting curves of the three growth models were basically consistent with the actual curves, and Von Bertalanffy model had the best fitting effect for both male and female chickens (R2>0.998). The inflection points of black hemp feather, Yellow feather, and silvery grey feather Baicheng County Fried Chickens were 8.629, 9.389, and 8.947 weeks respectively for male chickens, and 7.946, 8.619, and 7.936 weeks respectively for female chickens; the inflection points of weight were 858.207, 911.107, and 842.681 g for male chickens, and 635.543, 679.577, and 609.097 g for female chickens. 【Conclusion】In conclusion, there are differences in growth and development among Baicheng County Fried Chickens with different feather colors. The optimal growth models for male and female Baicheng County Fried Chickens of the three feather colors are all Von Bertalanffy models.

    Comparative study on biochemical indexes in plasma of different breeds of pregnant horse under the condition of same dietary nutrient levels
    YANG Fan, GUO Cuijie, REN Feier, LI Hai, MA Yuhui, CHEN Kaixu
    2024, 61(5): 1268-1276.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.025
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    【Objective】Study the changes of blood routine biochemical indexes of pregnant mares in the later stage of pregnancy and provide reference for the healthy breeding and scientific breeding of pregnant mares.【Methods】18 Ili horses, 21 Kazakh horses, 21 thoroughbred horses, 21 hybrid horses (Ili horses) with average age (7.50 ± 1.50 years), similar parity (3-4 fetuses), consistent fat and health status were selected for the experiment ♀×Orlovma ♂) 19 horses.The varieties were taken as the unit and they were divided into four experimental groups.Under the same dietary nutrition level and management conditions, the feeding experiment was conducted for 90 days.At the end of the trial period, the blood of pregnant horses was collected from the fasting neck vein in the morning and the relevant indexes were measured.【Results】(1) the total protein, triglyceride and low density lipoprotein in plasma of pure blood horses were 58.39% (P < 0.05), 44.01% (P < 0.01) and 32.16% (P < 0.01) higher than those of the other three breeds, respectively.(2) The total bilirubin in plasma of Ili horse, Kazak horse and pure blood horse was significantly higher than that of hybrid horse (P < 0.01), increased by 84.51%, 131.35% and 93.17%, respectively.The direct bilirubin of Ili horse and Kazak horse was higher than that of hybrid horse by 82.50% and 89.83%, respectively (P < 0.05).(3) The glucose levels of Ili horse and thoroughbred horse were 106.93% and 148.18% higher than that of Kazakh horse respectively (P < 0.01).【Conclusion】Under the same nutrition level and feeding and management conditions, due to the difference of breeds, the protein, liver function enzyme activity and blood sugar level of pure blood horses during pregnancy are superior to those of other breeds.Compared with the other three breeds, hybrid horses have defects in liver function metabolism and blood glucose level during pregnancy.

    Effect of interfering donkey Zfy gene in vivo on expression of spermatogenesis related genes
    LI Mengyu, ZHANG Zhidong, LYU Yihang, SUN Yujiang, ZHENG Xinbao, XIAO Haixia, JIA Bin
    2024, 61(5): 1277-1283.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.026
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    【Objective】To explore the effect of interfering with the Zfy gene in vivo on the expression of Zfy protein in donkey testis and its epididymis tissues, as well as the expression of genes related to sperm development.【Methods】Two healthy male donkeys were selected. An empty vector was injected into one testicle as the control group, and a Zfy interference vector was injected into the other testicle as the interference group. Testis and epididymis tissues were collected and processed into frozen sections, fixed in fixative solution, and stored in liquid nitrogen. The expression of green fluorescent protein in tissues was observed using frozen sections. The expression of Zfy protein in the interference and control groups was observed using immunohistochemistry. The impact of Zfy interference on the expression levels of sperm development-related genes SYCP3, STRA8, TNP2, and FAS in the testis and epididymis was detected using RT-qPCR.【Results】The experimental results showed that the green fluorescent protein was mainly expressed in round sperm cells and part of long sperm cells in convoluted spermatic tubules, indicating the successful transfer of the interference vector. The expression level of Zfy protein in the interference group was significantly down-regulated, and interference with Zfy gene led to a significant decrease in SYCP3 gene expression in the testis and a significant decrease in TNP2 and FAS gene expression in the epididymis. However, there was no significant difference in the expression level of the STRA8 gene between the testis and epididymis.【Conclusion】The Zfy gene in donkeys is mainly expressed in round sperm cells. Interference with the Zfy gene significantly inhibits the expression of Zfy protein, SYCP3 gene in the testis, and TNP2 and FAS gene expression in the epididymis.

    Identification of chicken circMICAL2, tissue expression profile analysis and its functional prediction
    Gulipari Aikebai, SHEN Xuemei, YU Shigang, WANG Gang, YANG Yaling, LIU Wujun
    2024, 61(5): 1284-1291.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.027
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    【Objective】The purpose of this study is to verify the authenticity of chicken circular RNA (circMICAL2) and explore the function and regulation mechanism of circMICAL2 in chicken muscle growth and development.【Methods】Specific primers based on circMICAL2 circular sequences were designed by PCR amplification, and RNase R and actinomycin D treatments were performed to detect the endogenous stability of circMICAL2.Eight tissue samples from heart, liver, lung, kidney, intestine, skin, chest muscle and leg muscles of 16-day-old and 180-day-old chickens (adult chickens) were collected, and the tissue expression profile of circMICAL2 in different development periods was completed by real-time PCR (qRT-PCR); Bioinformatics was used to predict circMICAL2-targeted miRNA and mRNA, and to carry out GO function and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis.【Results】Chicken circMICAL2 really existed,and its cyclization stability was strong; circMICAL2 was widely expressed in all tissues of adults and chicks, and circMICAL2 was most highly expressed in their chest and leg muscles of adults and chicks, and the expression of circMICAL2 in both adult leg and thorax muscles was significantly higher than that in chicks (P<0.05), indicating that circMICAL2 was closely related to the regulation of chicken muscle growth and development. circMICAL2 targets gga-miR-103-3p and gga-miR-130b-3p regulated 225 downstream potential target genes. The target genes of circMICAL2 were mainly enriched in TGF-β signaling pathway, MAPK signaling pathway, cell cycle and other related signaling pathways.【Conclusion】Chicken circMICAL2 really exists, and the expression of circMICAL2 plays an important role in regulating the growth of muscle during different growth and development periods.

    Sequence analysis of ORF3 and ORF5 of PRRSV HNHK3-2021 strain isolated in Hainan
    FAN Yuexuan, MA Jiamei, HUANG Chunyuan, ZHENG Jiaxin, CHEN Suzhen, ZHANG Yan, LIU Guangliang, CAO Zongxi
    2024, 61(5): 1292-1300.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.05.028
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    【Objective】To explore the epidemiological characteristics and genetic variation of PRRSV in Hainan【Methods】Samples were collected from Haikou and surrounding areas.The PRRSV strain HNHK3-2021 was isolated, and the NSP2 genes, as well as the ORF5 and ORF7 gene sequences, were determined.Sequence alignment analysis was conducted using Lasergene 7.1, and genetic evolution analysis was performed using MEGA-X.【Results】The PRRSV HNHK3-2021 strain isolated was found to be of American origin with high nucleotide similarity to EF112447 HEB1, EU109503 GD, and EU624117 XH-GD ORF5 and ORF7 (99.2%~99.3% and 99.5%~100%, respectively).The derived amino acid similarity was 99%~99.5% and 100%.The nucleotide similarities of ORF5 and ORF7 of PRRSV HNHK3-2021 strain and EU864232 SHB, AY262352_HB-2(sh)2002, AY656990 Abst-1, AY032626 CH-1a, EU807840 CH-1R were found to be 87.1% -96.4% and 91.4%-97.3%, respectively.Similarly, the similarity of amino acids was 86.6%-93% and 91.9%-97.6%.The nucleotide similarities of ORF5 and ORF7 of PRRSV HNHK3-2021 strain and JN654459 NADC30, KP860909 FJZ03, MH068878 SD17-38, AY881994 FJ-1 were found to be 85.4%-87.1% and 89%-91.4%.The similarity of amino acids was 86.1%-87.1% and 89.5%-91.9%.【Conclusion】The PRRSV HNHK3-2021 strain and EU624117 XH-GD have the closest genetic distance.