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    Crop Genetics and Breeding • Germplasm Resources?Molecular Genetics • Cultivation Physiology • Physiology and Biochemistry
    Functional analysis of 4-coumarate: CoA ligase gene Gh4CL30 in upland cotton
    GONG Junming, XIONG Xianpeng, ZHANG Caixia, SHAO Dongnan, CHENG Shuaishuai, SUN Jie
    2024, 61(6): 1301-1309.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.001
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    【Objective】 To preliminarily study the biological function of 4-coumarate-CoA ligase (4CL) family gene gh4cl30, which might provide theoretical basis and genetic resources for cotton plant breeding. 【Methods】 Virus-induced gene silencing technology and gene editing technology was used to obtain gh4cl30-silenced and edited plants and determine the flavone and lignin contents of the gene suppressed and knockout plants to investigate field phenotype, seed size and fiber quality. 【Results】 Both gene silencing and gene editing of the gene resulted in dwarfing of the plants and a significant reduction of lignin content in the plant stalks.Field phenotypic measurements showed that seed size and fiber length were significantly reduced in the gene edited plants. 【Conclusion】 Gh4CL30 affects cotton growth and development mainly through regulating lignin biosynthesis.

    Cloning and subcellular localization of the GHWAT1-35 gene in Gossypium hirsutum
    MA Shangjie, LI Shengmei, YANG Tao, WANG Honggang, ZHAO Kang, PANG Bo, GAO Wenwei
    2024, 61(6): 1310-1317.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.002
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    【Objective】 To explore the role of GHWAT1-35 gene in the development of cotton fibers. 【Methods】 In this study, the fiber at different developmental stages post-anthesis of Gossypium hirsutum variety Xi9 were used as materials.The full-length cDNA sequence of the GHWAT1-35 gene was successfully cloned and subjected to bioinformatics analysis, real-time fluorescence quantitative (qRT-PCR) analysis, and subcellular localization. 【Results】 The length of the GHWAT1-35 gene was 1125 bp, encoding 374 amino acids, with a relative molecular weight is 40.23 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 8.74.Protein multiple sequence alignment and construction of a systematic evolutionary tree analysis showed that the GHWAT1-35 protein was most closely related to the Gossypium arboreum.The expression of the GHWAT1-35 gene significantly increased at 15 days after flowering, and subcellular localization predicted that the protein was located on the cytoplasmic membrane.The GHWAT1-35 gene was recombined with the pCAMIA1300-35S-YFP vector to construct a fusion expression vector, which was then transformed into Agrobacterium using the freeze-thaw method and after being injected into tobacco.The GHWAT1-35 protein was observed to be located on the cytoplasmic membrane. 【Conclusion】 The GHWAT1-35 gene plays an important role in fiber development, providing a foundation for further exploration of its biological function in Gossypium hirsutum.

    Identification and evaluation of fruit branch angle and machine-picked agronomic traits in Gossypium hirsutum L.
    YE Pingyi, LONG Yilei, TANG Yanping, DU Xiao, AN Mengjie, TAO Zhixin, LIANG Farui, AI Xiantao, HU Shoulin
    2024, 61(6): 1318-1327.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.003
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    【Objective】 To make the correlation analysis between the angle of fruit branches of upland cotton resources and the agronomic traits in the hope of finding the range of fruit branches the agricultural characteristics of the machine, and select the cotton varieties suitable for the machineangle suitable for machine picking with high yield and selecting the cotton varieties suitable for the machine. 【Methods】 Descriptive statistics, correlation, clustering and principal component analysis were carried out on fruit branch angle and agronomic traits of 300 upland cotton germplasm resources. 【Results】 The variation coefficient of the other 7 traits was greater than 10% except for the number of fruit branches, coat fraction, weight of single boll and angle of fruit branches, and the variation coefficient of the number of boll per plant was the largest, which was 25.28%. There was significant positive correlation between fruit branch angle and yield characters such as boll weight, lint quality and effective fruit branch number. When the Euclidean distance was 4, 300 pieces of upland cotton could be divided into 5 groups according to the size of the angle between the fruit branches, which are 47.5°-50.1°, 50.9°-55.5°, 55.7°-58.5°, 58.6°-62.8°, 63.2°-66.5°. Group I had the smallest fruit branch angle, short plants and low yield potential. The fruit branch angle size and the plant height of the second and third group were suitable, the plants were compact, the plant type was mostly tower type, barrel type, easy to pick and the yield was higher. As for class IV and V, the branch angle their plant type was mostly tower type and inverted tower type, and their yields were high with high yield potential. A total of 4 principal components were extracted from the principal component analysis, and the cumulative contribution rate was 74.87%, which explained most of the information of agronomic traits of 300 upland cotton resources. The principal component factors were respectively the height of the beginning of fruit branch, the number of effective fruit branch and the weight of single boll. 【Conclusion】 There is a significant positive correlation between fruit branch angle and yield traits in upland cotton. When the branch branch angle is 47.5°-65.5°, the larger the branch angle is, the higher the yield traits are. When the angle range of fruit branches is 50.9°-58.5°, the cotton yield is higher and meets the requirements of machine-picked cotton. The comprehensive score evaluation of cotton varieties in this range is carried out, and 10 cotton varieties suitable for machine-picked cotton varieties are selected as excellent breeding materials.

    Study on cotton biomass estimation based on multi-spectral imaging features of unmanned aerial vehicle
    SHAO Yajie, LI Ke, DING Wenhao, LIN Tao, CUI Jianping, GUO Rensong, WANG Liang, WU Fengquan, WANG Xin, TANG Qiuxiang
    2024, 61(6): 1328-1335.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.004
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    【Objective】 To explore the applicability and accuracy of cotton biomass estimation model based on Vegetation Indexes (VIs) and machine learning algorithm. 【Methods】 On the interaction between nitrogen application and density at the experimental and collected AGB data and UAV multispectral remote sensing images of cotton fields at the main fertility periods simultaneously to calculate eight VIs and introduce three VIs with the highest AGB correlation coefficients.Vactor Regression (SVR), Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR), and Deep Neural Network (DNN), and evaluated the applicability and estimation accuracy of different VIs and models. 【Results】 All eight VIs showed significant correlations with AGB, among which the absolute values of the correlation coefficients |r| of NGBDI, NDREI and EXG reached 0.659-0.788, and there was a significant correlation between them and cotton biomass.(3) Among the three regression models, the SVR model had the best estimation effect, with the model validation accuracy of R2=0.89, RMSE=2.30, and rRMSE=0.20. 【Conclusion】 Compared with the PLSR and DNN estimation models, the SVR model is more suitable for estimating cotton biomass, and the study is important for enriching the remote sensing monitoring technology of cotton biomass and improving the accurate management of production.The study is important to enrich the remote sensing monitoring technology of cotton biomass and improve the accurate management of production.

    Effect of spring irrigation quota on water temperature and salt distribution in cotton fields and seedling growth of cotton
    FU Xinfa, LYU Tingbo, WANG Jiulong, LI Gangqiang, SONG Renyou, LIU Yifan
    2024, 61(6): 1336-1344.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.005
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    【Objective】 To study the effects of different spring irrigation quotas on water temperature and salinity in cotton fields and seedling growth of cotton in Xiaohaizi Irrigation District.Provide a certain scientific basis for the reasonable spring irrigation quotas in the southern Xinjiang. 【Methods】 Three water treatments (W1:1,350 m3/hm2, W2:1,800 m3/hm2, W3:2,250m3/hm2) were set up for spring irrigation to analyze the effects of different spring irrigation quotas on water temperature and salinity of cotton fields and cotton seedling growth. 【Results】 The average soil water content in the 0-60 cm soil layer of the W3 treatment was higher than those of the W1 and W2 treatments, and the water retention capacity of the upper tillage layer was better.The W3 treatment had a lower ground temperature at different depths than those of the W1 and W2 treatments, and the ground temperatures between the rows were higher than those between the membranes.The salt content in the surface layer of W1 treatment was lower than those of W2 and W3 treatments, and the salt washing rate of 0-50 cm was 6.77%, 22.22% and 30.03%, respectively, and the larger the amount of spring irrigation water, the better the effect of salt washing, and the average salt accumulation rate of 50-100 cm was -39.89%, -58.95% and -68.91%, respectively, which indicated that with the increase of irrigation water, the salts were carried by the water into the deeper layer and increased.The height, stem thickness and leaf area of cotton seedlings in the W1 treatment were the largest, and a certain degree of water deficit was favorable to the growth of cotton seedlings. 【Conclusion】 Different spring irrigation quotas have a certain degree of salt washing and moisture increase effect, manifested as W3 > W2 > W1 treatment.

    Effect of high temperature stress at anthesis on seed vigor of wheat
    QIANG Lidong, FENG Kuan, ZHU Changan, ZHAO Yun, LI Zhaofeng, LI Weihua
    2024, 61(6): 1345-1351.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.006
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    【Objective】 To clarify the effect of post-anthesis high temperature treatment on grain germination and growth, and explore the psychological mechanism of wheat response to the stress of post-anthesis high temperature. 【Methods】 Xinchun 11, the main wheat cultivar in Xinjiang, was chosen as the model of crop. The mature wheat seeds were treated with the high temperature for 5 days to 8 days after flowering, and then the germination characteristics and the related enzymes activities associated with the oxidative stress of the seeds were examined. 【Results】 After high temperature treatment, the germination rate and germination potential of wheat grains were significantly reduced compared with the photo comparison (5.10% and 3.22%, respectively), and the conductivity index was significantly higher than that of the control (22.78% higher). After high temperature treatment, the bud length and fresh weight of wheat grain germination and growth decreased by 17.98% and 12.84% compared with the CK, the germination index and vigor index decreased significantly in wheat grain germination. The change in seed viability (ttc reduction intensity) was not significant, but the decrease was 26.02%. Meanwhile, the germination index and vigor index both decreased significantly in wheat grain germination. The change in seed viability (TTC reduction intensity) was not significant, but the decrease was 26.02%. 【Conclusion】 The results showed the high temperature stress at anthesis might have significant effects on wheat seed enzyme activity, and could further cause the decrease of the seed vigor and weaken the growth of wheat as a seedling, which might affect the wheat production ultimately.

    Evaluation of drought resistance of different Kazakhstan spring wheat at seeding stage under PEG-6000 stress
    WANG Yizhao, YANG Qizhi, LIU Yuxiu, Alayi Nurkamali, Vladimir Shvidchenko, ZHANG Zhengmao
    2024, 61(6): 1352-1360.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.007
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    【Objective】 To study the germination characteristics and physiological characteristics of spring wheat seeds in Kazakhstan in the hope of providing reliable parent materials for breeding spring wheat varieties in the northwest arid region in China. 【Methods】 10% polyethylene glycol (polyethylene glycol 6000, PEG-6000) hypertonic solution was used to simulate drought stress conditions, the root length, seedling length, fresh root/dry weight, seeding fresh/dry weight, germination rate, germination potential and germination index of 28 test materials at seedling stage were compared and analyzed. In addition, the comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance during germination was carried out by membership function, principal component analysis. 【Results】 The results showed that compared with the control, the root length, seedling length, fresh root weight, fresh/dry weight, germination vigor and germination rate of Kazakhstan spring wheat germplasm under drought stress treatment were decreased significantly (P < 0.05), ranging from 18.29% to 52.17%, while root dry weight were significantly increased (P < 0.05), with an average increase of 66.67%, respectively. There were different degrees of correlation between the indicators, and most of the indicators had significant or extremely significant correlations between the drought resistance coefficients. The 9 drought resistance-related indicators of wheat seedling stage could be converted into 4 independent comprehensive indicators (fresh seedling/dry weight, seedling length and germination rate), which might be used as main indicator for drought tolerance evaluation of Kazakhstan spring wheat germplasm at seedling stage. Cluster analysis was performed on the weighted drought resistance index of 28 tested materials. 5 germplasms were classified as strong drought-resistant varieties, 17 were medium drought-resistant varieties, and 6 were weak drought-resistant varieties. 【Conclusion】 Due to strong germination characteristics and drought resistance at the seedling stage, 5 germplasms were suitable for providing drought-resistant parent materials in spring wheat breeding in the northwest arid region in China.

    Comparison of peanut varieties with different high oleic acid under drip irrigation
    LIU Yue, JIA Yonghong, ZHANG Jinshan, YU Yuehua, WANG Runqi, LI Dandan, SHI Shubing
    2024, 61(6): 1361-1367.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.008
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    【Objective】 The difference of yield formation and quality among different peanut varieties were studied, and the excellent high oleic acid peanut varieties suitable for planting in northern Xinjiang were selected. 【Methods】 In this study,five high oleic acid peanut varieties in which the differences in seedling yield, agronomic traits, single plant dry material accumulation, yield and quality of each variety were analyzed. 【Results】 Huayu 655 reached 21.33, the full fruit rate was 1, and the highest grain fat content was 43.35%; Huayu 917 has the highest stem height of 27.80 cm, the highest length of the first opposite branch of 22.47cm, the highest number of branches of 7.33, and the highest dry material accumulation in each period, fruit weight 172.49 g, hundred kernel weight 92.41g, yield 4,644.04 kg/hm2, and O/L value of 9.30; Huayu 951 had the highest protein and oleic acid content, 26.71% and 80.05%, respectively; Huayu 956 had the highest emergence rate, To 82.75%.In conclusion, the flower breeding 917 has the highest yield and the best quality among the tested varieties. 【Conclusion】 Huayu 917 is a high oleic acid peanut variety more suitable for planting in northern Xinjiang.

    Comprehensive evaluation of adaptability of late sowing sugar-beet varieties based on yield correlation
    Abudukadier Kurban, PAN Jinghai, CHEN Youqiang, LIU Huajun, DONG Xinjiu, BAI Xiaoshan, LI Sizhong, GAO Weishi, LI Xiaohui
    2024, 61(6): 1368-1377.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.009
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    【Objective】 To study the growth and development characteristics of sugar-beets in specific ecological areas in southern Xinjiang which might be of certain theoretical significance for the late planting of sugar-beets and the improvement of yield and sugar content in the southern Xinjiang region. 【Methods】 In this study, 14 sugar-beet varieties introduced from Kashgar region of southern Xinjiang were used as materials to comprehensively evaluate the adaptability of late sowing sugar-beet varieties through 11 yield related traits such as biomass accumulation and distribution, number of harvested plants, root unit weight, yield, and sugar yield. The methods of coefficient of variation, correlation, principal component analysis, membership function, and cluster analysis were used to evaluate the adaptability of late sown sugar-beet varieties. 【Results】 Different sugar-beet varieties had different adaptability. Through principal component analysis, 11 yield related traits were transformed into 3 principal components, namely, biomass factor, root tuber yield factor, and sugar yield factor. The cumulative variance contribution rate was 89.886%. 14 sugar- beet varieties were divided into 3 categories, among which KWS1130 had the strongest adaptability and stability in yield correlation traits such as aboveground and underground biomass allocation traits, root crown ratio traits, and single root weight, ranking first in comprehensive rankings, and belonged to a strong adaptability category. 【Conclusion】 Sugar-beet variety KWS1130 is suitable for late planting of southern Xinjiang, and can ensure high yield and sugar production.

    Effects of potassium fertilizer dosage on growth and yield of drip irrigated millet in northern Xinjiang
    ZHAO Yun, FENG Guojun, Gulizhati Bazierbieke, HU Xiangwei, Subinuer Kadeer, LI Pengbing, SHAO Jiang, LIU Jie
    2024, 61(6): 1378-1385.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.010
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    【Objective】 In order to clarify the appropriate amount of potassium fertilizer and its influence on the growth and development of millet in North Xinjiang, and to provide theoretical basis for high-yield cultivation of spring sowing millet in North Xinjiang. 【Methods】 Five kinds of potassium fertilizer (0, 75, 150, 225, 300 kg/hm2) were used in field tests with Yugu 18 as test material.Dry matter accumulation, chlorophyll content, internode fullness, agronomic characters and yield of millet were determined. 【Results】 With the increase of potassium application, agronomic indexes showed unimodal curve change, and the highest value was found in K225 treatment.Compared with K0 treatment, plant height, ear length, ear diameter, stem base diameter, leaf length and leaf width were significantly increased by 8.1%, 26.1%, 20.9%, 22.6%, 12.9% and 9.4%.Compared with the control (0 kg/hm2), Yugu 18 was significantly increased by 1.2%-6.4% under potassium application, and the highest yield was 7,891.1 kg /hm2 under 225 kg/hm2 potassium application.(2) Compared with the control (0 kg/hm2), chlorophyll content increased significantly in each period after anther, showing a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, and reached the peak value under K225 treatment.The dry matter accumulation showed a "J" shaped curve with the extension of growth period, and the dry matter accumulation rate showed a single-peak curve, and the maximum accumulation rate reached its peak from heading stage to full head stage.Moreover, the basal internode fullness increased obviously with the increase of potassium fertilizer. 【Conclusion】 the application of appropriate potash fertilizer has a significant effect on the growth and development of millet in northern Xinjiang, and K225 treatment is the best application amount of potash fertilizer in Xinjiang.

    Horticultural Special Local Products • Agricultural Product Processing Engineering
    The impact of high temperature on different thick -skinned melon varieties and comprehensive evaluation of its heat resistance
    YANG Junyan, YAN Miao, WU Haibo, YANG Wenli, WANG Haojie, MAO Jiancai, ZHAI Wenqiang, LI Junhua
    2024, 61(6): 1386-1396.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.011
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    【Objective】 To study the effect of high temperature on the germination of thick skin melon seeds and the differences in high-temperature tolerance among different thick skin melon varieties in the hope of providing theoretical basis for the selection of more high-temperature resistant thick skin melon varieties and the seedling management and promotion application of thick skin melon. 【Methods】 Five main thick skinned melon varieties in Xinjiang with different heat resistance, Nasmi, Huangpi 9818, Xinmi 14 (Xinhongxincui), Huangmengcui and Kalakesai (Jiashigua), were used as test materials, and treated at 4 temperatures (28 (CK), 35, 40 and 50℃). The germination potential, germination rate, germination index and activity index of thick skinned melon seeds at the germination stage were compared. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) The activities of peroxidase (POD), Catalase (CAT), Malondialdehyde (MDA) and proline (Pro) contents were studied. 【Results】 The seeds of 5 thick skinned melon varieties were able to germinate and grow normally at 28℃, and the germination was relatively neat; At 35℃, muskmelon seeds could germinate faster, but excessive germination led to overgrowth and uneven growth; At 40℃, the germination effect of seeds was similar to that of 35℃, with slight inhibition of growth and acceleration of elongation, but not enough to distinguish the differences in heat resistance among varieties; At 50℃, the germination of melon seeds was delayed, and the embryonic roots gradually decayed after germination. The high-temperature inhibition effect was significant, and there was a significant difference in germination ability between strains. At 50℃, the antioxidant enzyme activity of varieties with good heat resistance increased, while the antioxidant enzyme activity of varieties with poor heat resistance decreased. SOD and POD played a greater role than CAT, and the increase in MDA was inversely proportional to heat resistance, while the increase in proline was directly proportional to heat resistance. 【Conclusion】 The five thick skin melon varieties can be divided into two different heat tolerance levels: heat resistant and heat sensitive. The heat resistant types are Huangmengcui and Nasimi; Heat sensitive type: Huangpi 9818, Xinmi 14, Kalakesai. Three thick skinned melon varieties (Huangmengcui, Nasimi, Huangpi 9818) bred through cross breeding have better heat resistance during seed germination than the other two typical Xinjiang melon landraces (Xinmi 14, Kalakesai).

    Effects of Alternaria alternata infection on active oxygen metabolism in different tissues of melon
    LIU Yang, ZHANG Zhengxiao, BAI Yujia, FENG Zuoshan
    2024, 61(6): 1397-1406.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.012
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    【Objective】 To study the change trend of ROS and the activity of active oxygen metabolizing enzymes in melon tissues during the onset of black spot disease of Jiashi melon and 86-1 melon after inoculation with Alternaria alternata and discuss the relationship between the disease development and the change trend of ROS and the activity of active oxygen metabolizing enzymes. 【Methods】 The melon fruits of Jiashi and 86-1 were used as experimental materials to study the incidence of melon fruits, and the changing trend of the generation and removal of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in melon fruits when Alternaria alternata was injured and inoculated. 【Results】 After melon fruit was infected by Alternaria alternata, the contents of reactive oxygen species (H2O2 and O2-) increased rapidly, and the activities of SOD and CAT increased, which reduced the production of MDA.The activities of SOD and CAT increased slowly in the early stage of infection, increased rapidly in the middle stage of infection, and decreased rapidly in the late stage of infection.During the whole storage period, the activities of SOD and CAT in Jiashi melon were higher than those in 86-1 melon, and the activities of SOD and CAT in the peel of both melons were higher than those in the pulp, and the activities of SOD and CAT in the two melon inoculation groups were higher than those in the control group. 【Conclusion】 During the storage period, the level of reactive oxygen species metabolism was closely related to the ability of the melon to defend against Alternaria alternate. The resistance of Jiashi melon is stronger against Alternaria alternate than that of 86-1 melon, especially in the middle and late storage.The disease resistance of Jiashi melon is stronger than that of 86-1 melon, and the skin disease resistance is stronger than that of pulp

    Changes of pectin components and enzyme activities during the development of apricot fruits
    HUANG Jinyue, XU Min, WANG Longfei, LIU Xinyi, GUO Yuqing, WU Xiaolan, WANG Yatong, ZHANG Shikui, FAN Guoquan
    2024, 61(6): 1407-1415.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.013
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    【Objective】 To explore the changes of pectin components and content in apricot fruit development and the influence on fruit hardness. 【Methods】 In this study, three apricot varieties, 'Kuqa White Apricot', 'Huntai white Apricot' and 'Shushu Dry Apricot', were selected as experimental materials.The relationship between the changes of pectin composition and content and the changes of fruit hardness was analyzed by measuring the growth quality indexes, pectin composition and content and the activity of pectin metabolizing enzyme during the development of apricot fruits. 【Results】 The results showed as follows: Compared with the other 4 growth stages, the fruit hardness of 3 apricot varieties decreased significantly at the ripening stage (P < 0.05).During fruit development and ripening, PME activity of the three apricot varieties showed a decreasing trend, and fruit hardness was significantly positively correlated with PME (P < 0.05), while fruit hardness was significantly negatively correlated with ion-bound pectin content and covalently bound pectin content (P < 0.01). 【Conclusion】 During fruit development, the fruit hardness of the three apricot varieties is negatively correlated with the content of ion-bound pectin and covalently bound pectin (P < 0.01), which has a great influence on the fruit hardness.Ionic pectin (ISP) has a small molecular weight and is easily soluble in water.The larger the ISP proportion in pectin, the softer the fruit texture.The decrease of hardness of ‘Luntai white apricot’ and ‘Shushanggan apricot’ was mainly caused by PG, while that of ‘Kuche white apricot’ was mainly causedy PL.The hardness of ‘Luntai white apricot’ decreased with the increase of PG activity since the hardcore stage.But in ‘Shushanggan apricot’, PG activity even decreases significantly after young fruit stage, increases significantly after turning color stage, and hardness decreases.The PG activity of ‘Luntai white apricot’ should be inhibited after the hardcore stage, and that of ‘Shushanggan apricot’ should be inhibited after the turning stage.The PL activity of ‘Kuche white apricot’ is always higher, and it needs to inhibit PL activity in pectin.

    Effect of in situ differential pressure precooling combined with hydrogen peroxide fumigation on quality of fresh wolfberry under express package
    LI Ziqin, LI Wenqi, ZHANG Zhenghong, LI Yuhui, LIU Chengjiang
    2024, 61(6): 1416-1422.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.014
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    【Objective】 Study of in situ differential pressure precooling combined with hydrogen peroxide fumigation on quality of fresh wolfberry under express package. 【Methods】 With seven mature Jinghe Lycium barbarum as test material, four different treatment methods were used to treat fresh lycium barbarum post-harvest commercialization, and the express environment was simulated at room temperature.The effects of different treatments on mass loss rate, decay rate, respiratory intensity, pulp firmness, SSC, Browning index and sensory evaluation of fresh Lycium barbarum during 8 days were investigated. 【Results】 Compared with treatment 1 and 2, the storage quality of fresh wolfberry in treatment 3 and 4 was improved to some extent.On day 8, the fruit rot rate of treatment group 4 was reduced by 13.9%, 10.9% and 4.2% compared with that of treatment 1, 2 and 3, respectively.In particular, the Browning index of treatment group 4 was only 50% of that of treatment group 1 on day 8. 【Conclusion】 1.5%H2O2 combined with in situ differential pressure precooling treatment can better maintain the physiological indexes and nutrients of fresh Lycium barbarum and maintain the commercial characteristics of fruits, which can be used as a practical technology for large-scale storage and preservation of fresh Lycium barbarum.

    Optimization of fermentation technology and quality evaluation of Xinjiang peach wine
    FAN Shaoli, CHENG Ping, ZHANG Zhigang, LI Hong, YANG Lu
    2024, 61(6): 1423-1431.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.015
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    【Objective】 Study the main fermentation process of peach wine, and the physical and chemical indexes, sensory flavor and volatile aroma components in the finished product were analyzed.The research results provide a scientific basis for the industrial production of Xinjiang peach wine. 【Methods】 In this study, Xinjiang peach (Amygdalus ferganensis) ‘lyuguang No.1’ was used as raw material The effects of yeast type, yeast addition and fermentation temperature on pH, residual sugar, reducing sugar content, alcohol and total acid in the fermentation process of peach wine were studied, Box Behnken response surface optimization test was carried out on the basis of single factor test. 【Results】 The optimal main fermentation process parameters of peach wine were determined through the test: yeast addition 0.22 g/kg, fermentation temperature 21-23℃, sulfur dioxide addition 80 mg/kg.Made peach wine with an alcohol content of 7.9% vol.The results of SPME-GC/MS showed that 19 volatile aroma compounds and the main volatile aroma compounds in peach wine were identified at the same time, in which the content of esters accounted for 86.341% of the total aroma substances.The top three main aroma components were ethyl decanoate (39.290%), ethyl octanoate (27.032%) and ethyl laurate (9.384%). 【Conclusion】 The finished peach wine has sweet and sour taste, harmonious aroma and unique peach fruit aroma.

    Plant Protection • Soil Fertilizero Water Saving Irrigation
    Field control effects of four fungicides on fragrant korla pear fire blight
    SHI Yingwu, NIU Xinxiang, YANG Hongmei, CHU Min, BAO Huifang, WANG Ning, ZHAN Faqiang, LIN Qing, YANG Rong, LONG Xuanqi, LOU Kai
    2024, 61(6): 1432-1440.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.016
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    【Objective】 In order to screen out high-efficiency korla pear(pear for short) fire blight control agents. 【Methods】 100 billion CFU / g Bacillus velezensis DP, 1.8% octylamine acetate aqueous solution, 3% thiamphenicol microemulsion and 6% kasugamycin aqueous solution were selected for field efficacy test. 【Results】 The results showed that the control effects of high, medium and low doses of Bacillus velezensis TK2019(hereinafter referred to as Bacillus velezensis) wettable powder, 1.8% octylamine acetate, 3% benziothiazolinone microemulsion and 6% kasugamycin on pear fire blight were 71.64%, 65.22% and 51.30%, 66.69%, 56.18% and 40.30%, 66.50%, 58.19% and 41.89%, 72.28%, 60.49% and 54.22%, respectively. Among them, Bacillus velezensis wettable powder dilution concentration of 107CFU / mL and 6% kasugamycin aqueous solution 500 times could significantly reduce the occurrence of pear fire blight. 【Conclusion】 The control effect of Bacillus velezensis and 6% kasugamycin on pear fire blight is significantly higher than that of the control and 1.8% caprylic acid acetate and 3% thiamethoxam microemulsion, which can better inhibit the occurrence of pear fire blight, control the number of diseased branches, improve the quality of fruit, and increase the defense enzyme activity of fragrant pear fruit. The high concentration biocontrol bacteria have better improvement effect and are safe for the growth and development of pear trees. It is suitable for popularization and application in production and promotes the sustainable, safe, high-yield and stable yield of the fragrant pear industry.

    Effect of horticultural pruning of Korla fragrant pear trees during the growth period on pear fire blight
    MA Xiangyu, BAN Xue, TANG Li, SU Xuanle, LIU Zhenya, ZHANG Wangbin
    2024, 61(6): 1441-1446.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.017
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    【Objective】 To study the effect of long-term horticultural pruning technology on pear fire disease control and provide some technical support for controlling the spread of pear fire disease and preventing excessive pruning. 【Methods】 Starting from May 11, 2022, the diseased shoots of pear trees were collected every 10 days, and the phloem and woody parts were separated from the disease-health junction at 5 cm, 10, 15 and 20 cm away from the disease-health junction, and the presence of pathogenic bacteria was detected indoors. From May to October, pruning was carried out monthly at the junction of disease and health to observe the control effect of pruning on pear fire blight in pear orchards. Starting from April 15, 2022, pruning was carried out every 10 days in pear orchards at the junction of diseased shoots and health at 5, 15 and 30 cm away from the junction of disease. 【Results】 Indoor testing found that no pathogenic bacteria could be detected at 15 cm from the junction of disease and health, and pruning at the junction of disease and health from May to October reduces the number of sick trees in pear orchards from 11 to 5, and the number of infection points decreased from 17 to 9. 【Conclusion】 In summary, pruning from the junction of disease and health has a certain control effect on pear fire blight, but there is a phenomenon of repeated occurrence of cut pear fire blight. To prevent the recurrence of pear fire blight at the incision site, the diseased branches should be cut at least 15 cm away from the junction of the diseased and healthy.

    Evaluation of the effect of 10 new insecticides on the control of (Carposinasasakii Matsmura)
    Tuerxun Ahemaiti, LIU Xukun, ZHAO Wenhui, ZHU Xiaofeng, Aerziguli Rouzi, Palidamu Tayier, FU Kaiyun, DING Xinhua, JIA Zunzun, Adili Shataer, GUO Wenchao
    2024, 61(6): 1447-1453.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.018
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    【Objective】 Study on Carposinasasakii Matsmur and screen out the environmentally friendly pesticides and application amounts in the hope of providing scientific basis for effectively controlling the occurrence and harm of Carposinasasakii Matsmur. 【Methods】 To clarify the control effect of 10 new insecticides.In 2022, field community efficacy tests were carried out to compare the control effects of different insecticides. 【Results】 The prevention effect of 10 pesticide treatment pesticides was good for 7 days, and there was no significant difference between treatments (P>0.05), among which 10% biphenyl fluranyl urea suspension, 1% matrine solution and 12% methyl carboxynitrile suspension were more than 93.33% after 14 days after the recommended dilution factor, and the prevention effect of 1% matrine solution in all treatment areas was more than 90.00% 21 days after applying pesticides, and the prevention and control effect fluctuated between different agents in 14-21 days after the drug. 【Conclusion】 The treatments of 10 agents on Carposinasasakii Matsmur have significant control effects on Carposinasasakii Matsmur for 7 days after the trial, including 1% matrine solution, 10% biphenyl fluranyl urea suspension and 12% carboxylapyril suspension, which all have excellent control effect for 14 days after application, and are recommended for use in production practice.

    Occurrence and damage of two kinds of Hippophae rhamnoide pests
    LI Xin, Adil Sattar, LI Ziang, JIN Yujie, Baixianguli Tuohetuoerbayi, MAO Wenbin
    2024, 61(6): 1454-1460.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.019
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    【Objective】 In order to clarify the cause of the weak and dry death of a large area of Hippophae rhamnoides trees in Aheqi County of Xinjiang and Urumqi County, the investigation of Hippophae rhamnoides forests in two places was carried out in the hope of providing theoretical basis for the effective control of sea-buckthorn pests and diseases. 【Methods】 The standard survey method was used to investigate the situation of Hippophae rhamnoides forest and identify the species of diseases and insect pests.The damaged Hippophae rhamnoides was dissected to determine its harm characteristics and its spawning position was investigated by means of foot survey. 【Results】 Hippophae rhamnoides forest in Aheqi County was harmed by the Cossus cossus (Linne) and the Holcocerus Arenicola (Staudinger), and the Hippophae rhamnoides forest in Urumqi County was harmed by the Cossus cossus (Linne), which caused a large area of Hippophae rhamnoides tree weakness, dry death.In Aheqi County and Urumchi County, the occurrence rate of Cossus cossus (Linne) was 52.25%.In Aheqi County, the occurrence rate of Cossus cossus (Linne) was 62.40%, and the population density was 24.62 per plant, with the highest number of 85 per plant.In Urumqi county, the infestation rate of aromatic Cossus cossus (Linne) was 42.10%, the infestation density was 100.62 per infestation, and the single infestation was up to 288.The number of egg blocks in the position of 91~150 cm of Hippophae rhamnoides trunk was the largest, accounting for 54.10% of the total number of egg blocks.The larva of the current year distributed most in the position of 31~60 cm of Hippophae rhamnoides trunk, accounting for 31.05% of the total number of larvae.When the height of the trunk was more than 180 cm, the number of egg blocks and larvae in the current year decreased sharply or even did not distribute.The number of out-of-year larvae in the root of Hippophae rhamnoides was the highest (423, accounting for 45.58% of the total number), and their number decreased with the increase of trunk height within 120 cm. 【Conclusion】 The dry death of Hippophae rhamnoides in Aheqi County and Urumqi County of Xinjiang was caused by the harm of Cossus cossus (Linne) and Holcocerus Arenicola (Staudinger), and Cossus cossus (Linne) has been serious.The best time for chemical control is the incubation period of the eggs and the period when the newly hatched larvae first drill into the bark, which can be sprayed at the position of 31~150 cm in the cadre of Hippophae rhamnoides.

    Survey of the occurrence of apple tree Valsa canker and screening of new control agents
    GENG Songyi, SUN Hongtao, ZHAO Weiqi, WANG Mei, MA Rong
    2024, 61(6): 1461-1467.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.020
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    【Objective】 To explore the occurrence of apple tree Valsa canker and green prevention and control measures in Shuanghe City, Xinjiang. 【Methods】 In April-September 2021, we investigated the dynamics of apple tree Valsa canker and the expansion pattern of spots in the honey crisp apple demonstration orchard of 81 mission in Shuanghe City, Xinjiang by using the method of regular surveys at fixed points, and sprayed three concentrations of Amino-oligosaccharide at the young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage for immuno-induced resistance, and conducted the auxin correction test and agent compounding test in spring and summer to observe the recurrence of spots by using the scraping and dry coating methods.After that, the control effect was calculated by using the scraping and drying methods to correct the disease spots in spring and summer. 【Results】 The results showed that the number of new spots in April and May accounted for 91.28% of the new spots in the whole growing season, and the expansion of spots from April to June accounted for 77.14% of the expansion of spots in the whole growing season; the spraying of Amino-oligosaccharide at the young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage of apple trees could induce host resistance, and the effectiveness of control against rots was 88.89% and 91.67%, respectively.The effectiveness of Tebuconazole 200 times + 100 times of Tebuconazole and 200 times of Tebuconazole + 100 times of Tebuconazole was 87.5% for both treatments; the highest effectiveness of Tebuconazole 200 times of Tebuconazole and Bacillus subtilis 200 times of Tebuconazole and Bacillus subtilis 200 times of Tebuconazole was 81.2%; the effectiveness of Bacillus subtilis 200 times of Tebuconazole and Bacillus subtilis 200 times of Tebuconazole was 1∶2.The efficacy of tebuconazole 200 times with Bacillus subtilis 200 times 1∶2 was 75.2%, and the lowest efficacy of tebuconazole 200 times with Bacillus subtilis 200 times 1∶5 was 69.2%. 【Conclusion】 The study showed that the peak period of disease spot addition and expansion is from April to June, so preventive measures are recommended in this time.Spraying 500 times of amino-oligosaccharide at the young fruit stage can effectively improve the apple tree potential and enhance the disease resistance to the Valsa canker.Applying 200 times of pentothal 200 + 100 times of Turpentine, 200 times of Daidzinium + 100 times of Turpentine, and a 5∶1 ratio of chemical to biological agent compound can effectively reduce the occurrence and recurrence of apple tree Valsa canker after scraping the spots.

    Study on extraction of apple tree crown width at different flight altitudes using multi-spectral UAV
    ZHANG Zhenfei, GUO Jing, YAN An, YUAN Yilin, XIAO Shuting, HOU Zhengqing, SUN Zhe
    2024, 61(6): 1468-1476.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.021
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    【Objective】 The objective of this study is to segment and extract the crown information by using the multi-spectral image of the UAV, so as to realize the monitoring of the apple tree crown information, and analyze the influence of the UAV flight height on the extraction accuracy of the crown. 【Methods】 The DJI Phantom 4 multi-spectral UAV was used to capture multi-spectral images of apple trees at flight altitudes of 30, 60, and 90 m. The acquired images were processed using DJI Terra software to generate Digital Orthophoto Maps (DOM) and Digital Surface Models (DSM). The multi-scale segmentation method and threshold-based classification were utilized to segment the apple tree crowns and extract the east-west and north-south crown width values of the target trees. The accuracy of the segmentation and extraction results was validated by comparing them with visual interpretation of segmented crowns and field measurements of crown widths for 100 apple trees. 【Results】 At a flight altitude of 30 m, the accuracy of individual crown segmentation was 84.00%. The average extraction accuracy of the east-west and north-south crown widths was 91.15%. The average R-squared value (R2) was 0.7859, and the average root mean square error (RMSE) was 0.216 6 m. At a flight altitude of 60m, the accuracy of individual crown segmentation was 81.00%. The average extraction accuracy of the crown widths was 90.31%. The average R2 was 0.7376, and the average RMSE was 0.241 6 m. At a flight altitude of 90m, the accuracy of individual crown segmentation was 73.00%. The average extraction accuracy of the crown widths was 88.88%. The average R2 was 0.710 2, and the average RMSE was 0.267 6 m. 【Conclusion】 The study concludes that the use of multi-spectral UAV remote sensing technology enables the monitoring of apple tree crown information possible. The results also indicate that flight altitude has a certain impact on the extraction accuracy. As the UAV flight altitude increases, the accuracy of individual crown segmentation and extraction of crown widths gradually decrease. UAV remote sensing technology offers the advantages of low cost, rapid data acquisition, and high accuracy, which can significantly improve the efficiency of orchard management for fruit growers.

    Support vector machines estimation model of soil organic carbon content in lakeside oasis
    YANG Jixiang, LI Xinguo
    2024, 61(6): 1477-1486.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.022
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    【Objective】 To study rapid estimation of soil organic carbon content using hyperspectral data in the hope of providing scientific basis for rational development of land resources in lakeside oases in arid regions. 【Methods】 The north lakeside oasis of Bosten Lake was taken as the study area and the measured soil organic carbon content data were combined with the hyperspectral data. Successive Projections Algorithm (SPA) was used to screen the successive bands after SG smoothing (SG), Continuum Removal (CR) and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) pre-processing for the original spectra. Support Vector Machines (SVM) models were used to estimate soil organic carbon content. 【Results】 Soil organic carbon content in the study area ranged from 0.69 g/kg to 50.32 g/kg, with an average value of 14.15 g/kg and a standard deviation of 9.51 g/kg, showing moderate variability and coefficient of variation of 67.20%. The original spectral reflectance of soil changed with the increase of wavelength, at 350-750 nm, the spectral reflectance increased, at 750-2,150 nm, the spectral reflectance showed a relatively stable trend; from 2,150 nm to 2,500 nm, the spectral reflectance gradually decreased. With the increase of decomposition scale, the local characteristics of the original spectrum of soil after pretreatment by continuous wavelet transform became more and more obvious, and the absorption and reflection peaks were becoming smoother and smoother. The feature bands selected by the continuous projection algorithm were concentrated in 350-952, 1,007-1,742 and 2,082-2,381 nm, and the feature bands only accounted for 0.30% of the Vis-NIR spectrum. The training set and verification set of the SVM model constructed by continuous wavelet transform and continuous projection algorithm were R2=0.76, RMSE=4.78 and R2=0.94, RMSE=3.30, RPD=2.50, respectively. 【Conclusion】 The CWT-SPA-SVM could be effectively estimate soil organic carbon content in the study area.

    Analysis of yield and water use efficiency of under-irrigated crops based on meta-analysis
    LIU Fuyu, ZHANG Jianghui, BAI Yungang, ZHAO Jinghua, CAO Biao
    2024, 61(6): 1487-1496.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.023
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    【Objective】 In order to comprehensively analyze the effects of deficit irrigation on the yield and water use efficiency of major crops in northern China. 【Methods】 In this study, meta-analysis was used to quantitatively analyze the changes of crop yield and water use efficiency after deficit irrigation, and subgroup analysis was performed to analyze the changes of different regions, crops, precipitation and irrigation methods. 【Results】 Insufficient irrigation significantly reduced crop yield in northern China, with an average yield reduction rate of 6.66%, and the average yield reduction rate in northeast China was the most significant, reaching 9.43%. The water use efficiency of crops was significantly improved, with an average improvement rate of 10.59%. The water use efficiency in northwest China was the most significant, reaching 12.70%, while the water use efficiency in northeast China did not improve significantly. The yield of different crops, wheat, corn and cotton, the highest yield reduction rate of cotton was 10.67%, and the water use efficiency was significantly improved, and the highest increase rate of cotton reached 15.63%. There was a significant yield reduction effect in different precipitation ranges, and the yield decreased by 10.74% in the 200-400 mm range, but the water use efficiency in this interval did not improve significantly. The yield under traditional ground irrigation, drip irrigation and submembrane drip irrigation were significantly reduced, the yield reduction rate of drip irrigation was up to 8.93%, the water use efficiency was significantly improved, and the WUE improvement rate under drip irrigation was up to 15.95%. 【Conclusion】 The results show that deficit irrigation can significantly improve crop water use efficiency and significantly reduce crop yield, but the effect is different under different planting areas, crop species, climatic conditions and irrigation methods.

    Dominant insect pollinators and their biological characteristics of pollination of Tamarix ramosissima in the southeast margin of Tarim basin
    SUN Yao, ZHONG Wen, LI Yibo
    2024, 61(6): 1497-1504.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.024
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    【Objective】 In natural state, it depends on insect pollinators for reproduction. Thus it is necessary to clarify the insect pollinators and reveal their biological characteristics of pollination. 【Methods】 We observed insect pollinators at 09:00-19:00 on the first three days after T. ramosissima blooming, attempting to reveal biological characteristics of pollinators. We also analyzed and compared insect pollinators' capability to remove pollens from anther and deposit them on stigma, thus evaluating their pollination efficiency. 【Results】 Among the insect visitors of T. ramosissima observed, the observed potential pollinators were Pseudapis femoralis, Colletes gigas, Hylaeus variegatus, Ceylalictus variegatus, Sphecodes grahami and Lucilia sericata; among them, the pollination efficiencies of Pseudapis femoralis (0.62) and Colletes gigas (0.60) were higher than Hylaeus variegatus(0.44), Sphecodes grahami(0.42), Ceylalictus variegatus(0.42) and Lucilia sericata(0.40) (P < 0.05). The insect pollinators of T. ramosissima began to visit flowers close to 09:00 after sunrise, and the peak of flower-visiting activities generally appeared at 12:00-13:00. This peak coincided with the peak of pollen viability of T. ramosissima. The number of visiting visiting gradually decreased over time. 【Conclusion】 In this study, we have noticed that the dominant insect pollinators of T. ramosissima are Pseudapis femoralis, Colletes gigas, Hylaeus variegatus, Ceylalictus variegatus, Sphecodes grahami and Lucilia sericata. Pseudapis femoralis and Colletes gigas are high-efficient pollinators. The peak of flower-visiting activities generally appears at 12:00-13:00, which coincided with the peak of pollen viability of T. ramosissima, reflecting the mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship between them.

    Microbes • Prataculture
    Effects of Lactiplantibacillus plantarumand molasses on the silage of Silphium perfoliatum
    XIAN Ouyang, LI Xiao, CHEN Yongcheng, WANG Xuze, ZHANG Fanfan, HOU Guoqing
    2024, 61(6): 1505-1511.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.025
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    【Objective】 This project aims to explore the effects of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and molasses inoculation on silage fermentation characteristics of Silphium perfoliatum and rumen degradation rate of sheep and guide the scientific and efficient utilization of Silphium perfoliatum. 【Methods】 Three additive treatments were designed: no additive inoculation treatment (CK treatment), inoculation of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 1×105CFU/g FM (Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, LP treatment ), inoculation of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 1×105CFU/g FM + 2% molasses (Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and Molasses, LPM treatment). The vacuum bag method was used to prepare the cross-leaf rosin grass silage, which was stored at room temperature for 60 days. Afterwards, the sensory quality was evaluated and the fermentation characteristics, nutritional quality and rumen degradation rate of sheep were analyzed. 【Results】 (1) The contents of lactic acid, acetic acid, crude protein and dry matter in LPM treatment were significantly higher than those in CK and LP treatments (P<0.05). The neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, pH value, ammonia nitrogen ratio total nitrogen, yeast, mold and aerobic bacteria in LPM treatment were significantly lower than those in CK and LP treatment (P<0.05). The propionic acid content of LP and LPM treatments was significantly lower than that of CK treatment (P<0.05). (2) During the rumen degradation process (12-48 h), the acid, neutral detergent fiber degradation rate and dry matter degradation rate of LPM treatment were significantly higher than those of CK treatment (P<0.05), and the acid, neutral detergent fiber degradation rate, dry matter degradation rate and organic matter degradation rate increased significantly with time in the rumen (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 The combined inoculation of 1×105CFU/g Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and 2% molasses can promote the fermentation of Silphium perfoliatum silage and significantly improve the degradation of dry matter and fiber in the rumen of sheep.

    Effects of different water and nitrogen treatments on growth, quality and water and fertilizer use efficiency of alfalfa
    SUN Meng, YAN An, LI Jingyan, LU Qiancheng, FAN Jun, SUN Zhe, YUAN Yilin
    2024, 61(6): 1512-1526.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.026
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    【Objective】 This paper investigates thoroughly the effects of different water and nitrogen treatments on the growth, quality and water and fertilizer utilization efficiency of alfalfa, and provides reference for the scientific formulation of a rational application of water and fertilizer management system suitable for alfalfa in Xinjiang. 【Methods】 A field experiment was conducted with three irrigation gradients as W1 (3,750 m3/hm2), W2 (4,500 m3/hm2) and W3 (5,150 m3/hm2) and five nitrogen application gradients as N0 (0 kg/hm2), N1 (90 kg/hm2), N2 (150 kg/hm2), N3 (210 kg/hm2) and N4 (270 kg/hm2), and each treatment was replicated three times to study the effects of different water and nitrogen treatments on the growth, quality and water and fertilizer utilization efficiency of alfalfa. 【Results】 Suitable water and nitrogen treatments significantly promoted the growth and yield of alfalfa, and the plant height of alfalfa showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing with the increase of nitrogen application. The highest yield was obtained with W2N3 under the synergistic effect of water and nitrogen. Irrigation, N application and water-N interaction had significant effects on crude protein, crude fat content, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and crude ash of alfalfa. There were different effects on nitrogen content, nitrogen uptake, nitrogen fertilizer bias productivity, nitrogen utilization, nitrogen fertilizer agronomic efficiency and water use efficiency of alfalfa plants. The combined scores showed that the highest combined scores were all under W2N3 treatment. 【Conclusion】 Different water and nitrogen treatments all had certain effects on the growth, quality and water and nitrogen utilization efficiency of alfalfa, and W2N3 (irrigation volume of 4,500 m3/hm2 and nitrogen application rate of 150 kg/hm2) under water and nitrogen treatments has the best effect.

    Extraction and decolorization of polysaccharides from fruit body of wild Agaricus balchaschensis in Xinjiang
    Nuerziya Yalimaimaiti, LUO Ying, JIA Peisong, HAO Jingzhe, JIA Wenjie, ZHU Qi, LIANG Zhihao, LIN Siru
    2024, 61(6): 1527-1534.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.027
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    【Objective】 To study the extraction and decolorization process of crude polysaccharides from fruit body of wild Agaricus balchaschensis in Xinjiang, and provide theoretical basis and technical support for its in-depth development. 【Methods】 This study adopted ethanol subsiding to extract the fruit body polysaccharides of wild A. balchaschensisin, and explored the influence of extraction temperature, time and frequency on the yield of polysaccharides from A. balchaschensisin. With the decolorization time, decolorization temperature, content of activated carbon and H2O2 as influencing factors and the decolorization rate of polysaccharides as research index, the study optimized the decolorization process of polysaccharides from A. balchaschensisin through orthogonal test, so as to determine the optimal decolorization conditions. 【Results】 According to the results, the optimal conditions for extracting fruit body polysaccharides of wild A. balchaschensis by ethanol subsiding were 6 h extraction time, 60℃ extraction temperature, and 2 times extraction, under which the yield of fruit body polysaccharides of wild A.balchaschensisin was 15.6%. The optimal decolorization process for activated carbon was 25% activated carbon, 60℃ decolorization temperature, and 45 min decolorization time at pH3, under which the decolorization rate was 80.4%. The optimal decolorization process for hydrogen peroxide was 10% H2O2 content, 60℃ decolorization temperature, and 3 h decolorization time at pH 9, under which the decolorization rate was 86.23%. 【Conclusion】 This technology has verified the feasibility and practical value of applying ethanol subsiding to extract fruit body polysaccharides of wild A.balchaschensis in and the effects of H2O2 and activated carbon decolorization methods on the decolorization of polysaccharides from A. balchaschensis varied greatly under different process conditions. The former has a higher decolorization rate than the latter and is feasible for the decolorization of polysaccharides from A.balchaschensisin.

    Etiological detection and identification of calf diarrhea
    MIAO Shukui, WANG Junwei, LU Guili, WANG Ping, WANG Jie, WEI Yurong, WEI Jie, MI Xiaoyun, Shayilan Kayizha
    2024, 61(6): 1535-1543.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.028
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    【Objective】 This article aims to identify the main pathogens of calf diarrhea in a large-scale cattle farm in Xinjiang. 【Methods】 Virus detection was performed on 14 diarrhea calf feces using RT-PCR. Besides, bacteria were isolated from the liver tissues of four dead calves, cultured and identified, and mouse pathogenicity and drug sensitivity tests were conducted on these bacteria. Afterwards, the 16 S rDNA gene fragment of the isolated pathogenic bacteria was amplified and sequenced, and the sequencing results were searched for homologous sequences using BLAST in NCBI for genetic evolution analysis. 【Results】 The pathogens of diarrhea in the cattle farm were Bovine coronavirus (BCoV), Bovine rotavirus (BRV), Escherichia coli (E.coli), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (K.pneumoniae). Among the 14 feces, the detection rate of BCoV was 64.29%, and the detection rate of BRV was 50.00%; Among the four liver tissues, the detection rate of E. coli was 100.00%, and the detection rate of K.pneumoniae was 50.00%. The two isolated pathogenic bacteria E.coli and K. pneumoniae were sensitive to amikacin and resistant to all 16 other antibiotics. 【Conclusion】 The main pathogens causing calf diarrhea in this cattle farm are BCoV, BRV, E.coli, and K.pneumoniae, with mixed infection of viruses and bacteria. Amikacin can be used as the preferred drug for the prevention and treatment of E. coli and K. pneumoniae.

    Animal Husbandry Veterinarian • Agricultural Eeconomy
    Analysis of genetic effects of candidate genes for lambing numbers in different sheep breeds
    FAN Shu, SUN Guozhi, CAO Hang, SHI Xiangyun, SONG Xiangyi, ZHU Mengyao, LIU Lingling, LIU Wujun
    2024, 61(6): 1544-1552.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.029
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    【Objective】 To explore candidate genes affecting lambing number in different sheep breeds. 【Methods】 Four sheep breeds (468 multi-wave sheep, 152 German merino sheep, 157 Suffolk sheep and 600 lake sheep) were used as samples, and the genetic polymorphisms of four fecundity candidate genes COIL, FSHR, GUCY1A1 and BMPRIB were detected by amplification hindered mutation system PCR technology (ARMS-PCR) and restriction enzyme fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), and the correlation between polymorphisms and lambing number was analyzed. 【Results】 The frequency of homozygous GG genotype in C-site of coil gene g.7321466G>C was about 0.3 in Duolang, German Merino, Suffolk and Hu sheep, CC genotype was significantly higher than that of CG and GG, and CG genotype was significantly higher than that of GG.The GG genotype in German merino sheep was significantly higher than that of CG and CC, and the CG genotype was significantly higher than that of GG.In Suffolk and Hu sheep, the GG and CG genotypes were significantly higher than those of CC.The association between BMPRIB gene genotype and lambing number in Hu sheep showed that the number of lambing of BB and B+ genotypes was significantly higher than that of ++, but the effect of other breeds was not satisfactory.The T locus of FSHR gene g.75320741C> and the g.43266624G>A locus of CUCY1A1 gene had low effects on lambing in sheep. 【Conclusion】 The g.7321466G>C locus of COIL gene is expected to replace BMPRIB gene as a molecular marker for the breeding of lamb number traits.

    Analysis of the coordination of the functions of the "production-living-ecological spaces" in four southern Xinjiang Prefectures
    CAO Jian, Ayijiamali Apaer, SONG Yulan
    2024, 61(6): 1553-1560.  DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2024.06.030
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    【Objective】 To study the degree of functional coupling and coordination of the "three living spaces" in the four southern Xinjiang prefectures. 【Methods】 Eleven years of Xinjiang Statistical Yearbook and China County Statistical Yearbook (2001-2021 panel data) were collected as the main data sources and the evaluation index system of the function of the "three living spaces" in the four southern Xinjiang prefectures was constructed by using relevant indicators.On this basis, the Tobit model was then used to detect the influencing factors. 【Results】 Aksu region has the best coupling coordination of the "three living spaces “functions, with an average coupling coordination value of 0.532, which was barely coordinated, while the remaining three prefectures were Kashgar, Hotan and Kizilsu in descending order of coupling coordination. 【Conclusion】 The overall coupling coordination degree of the "production-living-ecological space" in the four southern prefectures is at a low level, and the coupling coordination level is on the verge of disorder, among which the total fixed asset investment and total social consumption goods per capita are positively influenced at the level of 1%, which has a certain influence on the "three living spaces" in the four southern regions.